Pittsfield Historical Society’s
History of Pittsfield
History from the
1904 Pittsfield Town Register
The whole 132 page 1904 Pittsfield Town Register with much more detailed town info is available as a pdf file (1.89MB).

Early Settlements
The beautiful and thriving town of Pittsfield, situated in the broad, level valley of the Sebasticook River, was not among the earliest towns to be settled in the State. Nothing definite is known of this site previous to 1794, when Moses Martin, who had previously penetrated the unbroken forest on a hunting expedition, came from Norridgewock, built a log cabin and commenced a clearing for a farm. Of the history previous to this time we have only the light of general history and of local tradition. The famous tribe of Norridgewock Indians for many generations roamed throughout the length and breadth of the Kennebec Valley, unmolested by any save their enemy of another stock of red men. At Norridgewock they had a flourishing village where, just a century before, Mr. Martin built his log cabin near the Sebasticook River, Sebastian Rasle, a Jesuit, came to teach the Indians the doctrine of the Christian church. From this village they roamed over this entire section, and the valley of the Sebasticook must have been to them the favorite hunting grounds of this vicinity. We are also informed that within the memory of some now living, a branch of the Penobscot tribe frequently visited Peltoma Point, where, tradition says, is one of their ancient burying grounds and the resting place of a chief who bore that name. In the light of the foregoing facts, we have only to study the history of nations, savage or civilized, to see that this border land must have been the scene of many bloody conflicts in times of hostilities between these two powerful nations. But our forefathers were not molested, for both these native tribes were fast becoming extinct. True and pathetic are the words of Charles Sprague:
Alas! for them, their days are o’er,
Their fires are out from hill and shore;
No more for them, the wild deer bounds,
The plow is on their hunting grounds;
The pale man’s axe rings through their woods,
The pale man’s sail skims o’er their floods.
Cold with the beast he slew, he sleeps;
O’er him no filial spirit weeps;
No crowds throng ’round, no anthem notes ascend
To bless his coming and embalm his end;
Even that he lived, is for his conqueror’s tongue,
By foes alone, his death song must be sung.”
—Charles Sprague, “Centennial Ode,” delivered at Boston Centennial, 1830
Mr. Martin whom we have already mentioned as the first settler, came up the river with the Indians and settled the farm where his grandson Perry Martin now lives, near Peltoma Point. He married a Miss Parker and had a family of twelve children. His son, Jessie, being the first white child born in Pittsfield. In 1818 he built the house now standing at the old homestead which is claimed to have been the first framed house built in this town. In 1800 came George Brown, from Norridgewock, William Bradford and a Mr. Wyman from Vassalboro. Messers Brown and Wyman built the first mills. In 1804 John Libby and John Spearing came here from Fairfield and settled east of Libby’s Pond. John Merrick settled near them in 1806, coming from Hallowell. Ephraim Higgins came from Mt. Desert in 1808 and located on the farm now the home of his grandson in the western part of the town. Samuel Bennett came in 1810. In 1811 John Hart settled on the lot next above Mr. Higgins and the same year Dominicus Getchell settled here coming from West Anson. Richard Hackett a Revolutionary Soldier came from Strong, about 1812, and settled on the Charles Farnham place about one mile south of the village and the following year Joseph McCauslin came from Hallowell and settled near the Detroit line east of the village. In the river between his house and Moses Martin’s was the old ford where the river was generally crossed until the bridge was built near the mills. The same year (1813) John Webb came from Waterville with his newly wedded wife, Mary and his father-in-law Josiah Jacobs. Mr. Webb located on the lot—Range 7, Lot 6, now comprising the A. H. Taylor and E. E. Johnson farms. His house being located near the spot now occupied by Mr. Johnson’s buildings. Mr. Webb took a very active interest in the early affairs and used his dwelling house as a town house for fourteen years after the incorporation of Warsaw or until they were changed to the school house in Mr. Webb’s district. Of Mr. Jacobs’s sons, Josiah Jr., settled on the John Cross farm one half mile below Mr. Webb’s, and Aaron built his cabin on the Charles Taylor farm. William Parks came from Richmond about the year 1814 and settled on the Libby place just across the river from Mr. Martin’s, in the edge of Detroit. In 1830 he moved to Pittsfield and settled on what is now Hartland Ave. on the old Parks homestead.
Timothy Mclntyre and Stevens Kendall were also prominent in guiding the affairs of the early plantation and township, but the exact date of their arrival is unknown. Charles, James and Timothy McKinney were also among the early settlers here.
Probably none of the early settlers contributed so much to the prosperity and healthy growth of the town as Jesse Connor, who came here from Gardiner in 1814. He lived in a house which stood on the site now occupied by the Dobson block. Soon after his coming here he purchased the mill property of a Mr. Bradford, who is supposed to have owned it in connection with Dominicus Getchell. Mr. Connor was the first to open a store. This he kept in one end of his house. There were no roads so he was obliged to go to Gardiner through the forest on horseback to procure his goods. He was the projector and principal means of building the first county road now known as the river road. He continued actively in the mill business, running both a saw and grist mill until 1833, when he sold to Going Hathorne.
Another very prominent man in the early affairs of the town was Capt. David Pushor, who came from Fairfield the Christmas of 1816 and settled near Sibley Pond, but soon moved to the lot now known as the McMaster farm. His brother, Amos, settled near him. Capt. Pushor filled many places of trust in the town being the first constable, tax collector and moderator.
Phillip Powers came here in 1818 from Canaan and settled near Power’s Corner. He had seven children of whom Arba and Phillip settled near him. Both of these had large families and many of the sons have become leading figures in the political and educational field, our own Governor, Llewllyn Powers, being the oldest son of Arba Powers. Adam Powers, a brother to Phillip Jr., surveyed many of the early roads in the town. John F. Weymouth was also a leader in the affairs of the early town. Another important family was that of Joseph C. Patten who came from Skowhegan (then Canaan) in 1820. His six sons settled what is known as the Patten Neighborhood and have taken a great interest in the affairs of their adopted town.
Elder William Getchell, a Free Baptist minister, was a very useful man among the settlers here, coming from Getchell Corner, in Vassalboro. He located on the farm now owned by Mr. Frederick, on the river road, where he made a home for his family, and for fifty years went around, throughout the surrounding districts, preaching the gospel of Christian love, uniting in marriage the hardy youths and maidens of this early period and performing the last rites, when death made an end of life. Other names previous to 1823—many of these who took a leading part in the town affairs, are: John Berry, Eben Burton, Nathan Burton, Elijah Buzzell, Elisha Dodge, Winthrop Eldridge, William Fairbrother, Jedediah Fowler, Jeremiah Gahan, Joseph Haskell, Henry Libby, John Libby, Robert McCausland, Barnabas P. Merrick, John Noble, M. P. Noble, Abraham Pushor, David Runnels, John Runnels, Freeman Rollins, Bryant Tozier, John Towne and James Willis.
The following best reveals when a few of the leading families came and where they located. Isaac Weeks, from Gray, 1823, at Week’s Corner Joshua Weeks, from Gray, 1823, at Week’s Corner. William Carr, from Clinton, 1824, near Carr School House. Col. William Lancey, Palmyra, 1824, Lancey Homestead. Oliver and Elizabeth Humphrey, Gray, 1825, R 5—Lot 14. Elias Humphrey, Gray, 1825, R 5—Lot 14. Rev. Daniel McMaster, Etna, 1830, McMaster’s farm. Noah Thompson, Berwick, 1830, near Webb School House. Joseph Foster, Windsor, 1830, Lower River Road. David Taylor, Windsor, 1832, Levi Taylor farm. Going Hathorn, Gardiner, 1833, Village. Robert Hunter, Bowdoinham, 1836, Hunter’s Corner.
The settlement was first called Plymouth Gore and was a part of the Kennebec Purchase. In 1815 it was organized as Sebasticook Plantation. June 19, 1819, the inhabitants petitioned the Legislature and were incorporated a town by the name of Warsaw, Esq. Bridge of Augusta, one of the principal land holders, selecting the name.
Commonwealth of Massachusetts. In the year of our Lord eighteen hundred and nineteen. An act to incorporate a town by the name of Warsaw. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in General Court assembled, and by the authority of the same, that the tract of land contained within the following described boundaries be, and hereby is, incorporated and established as a town by the name of Warsaw: Beginning at the north-east corner of the town of Canaan, thence southerly on the east line of Canaan to Clinton north-east line, thence easterly on the county line between Kennebec and Somerset to the westerly line of the township numbered five, in the second range of townships; thence on said line to the south line of Palmyra; thence westerly on the L of Palmyra, so called, to the south-west corner of said L, thence northerly to the said line of the mile and a half strip; thence westerly to the first mentioned bounds. And the inhabitants of the said town of Warsaw, are hereby vested with all the corporate powers and privileges, and shall also be subject to the same duties and requisitions as other corporate towns, according to the constitution and laws of the Commonwealth. And any Justice of the Peace for the County of Somerset, is hereby empowered upon application thereof, to issue a warrant directed to a freeholder inhabitant of the said town of Warsaw, requiring him to notify and warn the freeholders and other inhabitants thereof, to meet at such convenient time and place as shall be appointed in said warrant, for the choice of such officers as towns are by law required and empowered to choose at their annual town meetings.
In the House of Representatives, June 19th., 1819.
This Bill having had three several readings passed to be enacted.
In Senate, June 19, 1819.
This bill having had two several readings, passed to be enacted.
June 19, 1819, Approved.
A true copy, Attest
A. BRADFORD, Secretary of Commonwealth.
In 1828, a portion of Palmyra was annexed to the town of Pittsfield. The act passed the Legislature February 22, 1828, and was signed by Governor Enoch Lincoln on February 23rd.
Military Matters
The town of Pittsfield is justly proud of her military record. From the early Revolutionary days to the late skirmish with Spain, some of the citizens have had part, and their services reflect honor upon themselves and the town. The Revolutionary soldiers, of course, were her early settlers, but not residing here at the time of enlistment. We have, in the following, compiled a list of Pittsfield’s military men.
According to the roll of honor of the G. A. R., the Soldiers of the Revolution, who afterwards settled in Pittsfield, were Richard Hackett and Joseph Pratt. Soldiers of the war of 1812, who settled here after the war, were Benjamin Adams, Samuel Bennett, Rufus Blaisdell, Ebenezer Burton, Samuel Call, William Carr, Abial Cobb, Captain John Dingley, John Drew, Jedediah Fowler, Joseph Foster, Daniel Gordon, Joseph Jack, Calvin Jewett, Samuel Kinney, Silas Mahoney, Robert McCauslin, Captain David Pushor, Abram Pushor, Phillip Powers, James H. Reynolds, Enoch Rogers, Isaac Southard, David Taylor, William Trask, Isaac Weeks, Joshua Weeks, Josiah Jacobs, Asa Witham, James Willis, John Webb. Soldiers of the Rebellion, whose names are on the Stephen Davis Post, Number 11, roll of honor, are William G. Barnes, Major John O. Brackett, Roscoe G. Brackett, George Burns, Joseph M. Burse, Charles B. Cargill, Fred A. Chase, Albert R. Clark, Daniel Cobb, Nathan Cole, Frank B. Coffin, Thomas Cookson, Robert Cramp, Norris A. Davis, Thomas F. Davis, Myrick Hagerty, Sergeant William S. Howe, A. J. Harding, Barney Hoxie, William H. Hoxie, George Henderson, Joseph Jackson, Calvin L. Jewett, Frank B. Johnson, Henry W. Johnson, Lorin Josselyn, Roscoe M. Leavitt, Cyrus Leighton, Madison Libby, Ethan E. Maxwell, Sergeant John C. Manson, Abner McCauslin, Eugene Millet, Augustus Mills, Charles F. Morrill, Louis P. Morrill, Stephen H. Mosher, Thompson Neal, Seth Noble, William Parks, Benjamin F. Patten, Robert Peasley, Alverdo N. Phillips, Joseph M. Phillips, Roscoe M. Phillips, Thomas Phinney, Enoch A. Rogers, Captain C. H. Sawyer, John Scribner, Leonard C. Small, Elijah A. Small, Daniel Spaulding, John H. Spaulding, Levi B. Speed, Z. D. Stephens, Amos N. Smiley, Vergil D. Sweetland, Ebenezer Thompson, John C. Thompson, James Towne, Russell S. Tucker, Joseph P. Tuttle, Timothy Weymouth, Charles H. Welch, Major Albion Whitten, Otis Willey, Asa Witham, Jr., Ezra Withee, Josiah Woodbury.
Residents of Pittsfield who served in the war of 1861, who are members of the Stephen Davis Post, Number 11, are Stephen D. Bickford, Charles Chase, Enoch Carr, Charles W. Clifford, Richard W. Daniels, Abel Davis, Benjamin Fairbrother, John M. Foster, John H. Gilman, Gilman S. Gould, D. B. Gerald, Orin S. Haskell, Preston Hersey, Henry Judkins, Alonzo Libby, R. F. Lancaster, Morey Mulliken, Colonel W. G. Morrill, Arthur Neal, Jacob M. Patten, George W. Patten, E. L. Plummer, H. H. Powers, Albert L. Sylvester, Andrew J. Southard, William M. Somers, Silas F. Sprague, George W. Varney, Moses H. Witham, John Weymouth, Frank J. White, A. H. Webendorfer, Albert Willey, A. W. Webb, Ezra K. Wingate.
Other soldiers of 1861 in town, were Daniel Goodwin, Horatio Libby Pennell, William H. White, Samuel H. Wood.
The following enlisted and went to Cuba where they were on duty during the Spanish war: Ralph Davis, Frank B. Farmer, LaForest O. Graves, Joseph Gurney, Albert Merrow, Bert Ryan, Allie Thomas, Harry Finson, Albert L. Wright.
The following went to Chicamauga: Harold Sinclair, Bert Priest, Neal Warren, William Surman, Elray Thompson.
Several others enlisted but did not go beyond Augusta.
Church History
The first successful movement for the permanent organization of the Universalists of Pittsfield began early in May, 1867, and was perfected at a meeting called for the purpose on May 27, 1867, in the Union meeting house which was built in 1857 and stood on the site of the present Universalist church. This organization was made in the interest of “Liberal Christianity,” those who made it believing that there was an urgent demand for high and enlightened conceptions in the field of religion. There were forty-two who formed this first organization. The parish was organized on January 20, 1882. It was incorporated under the State general law on November 7, 1892. In 1871 the Universalists bought out the interests of those not Universalists in the Church property, and at that time greatly remodeled the structure. This building stood until 1898 when it was torn down and in its place the present beautiful edifice was erected at a cost of $20,500. The dedication was on June 21, 1899. The pastors have been, Rev. James H. Smith, 1866-’68; Rev. George W. Quimby, 1868-‘7o; Rev. David B. Byther, 1870-’72; Rev. Elijah Case, 1872-’74; Rev. Norris C. Hodgdon, 1874-’76: Rev. Caroline E. Angell, 1876- ’83; No pastor settled 1883-’88; Rev. H. S. Fiske, 1888-’91; Rev. J. H. Little, 1891-’92; Rev. E. A. Read, 1892-’96; Rev. H. E. Townsend, 1896-’97; Rev. Leroy W Coons 1897 to the present time. The Universalist people in Pittsfield now number about two hundred and sixty families and their work is very prosperous.
There is a Young People’s Christian Union in this church.
The Free Baptist society was organized June 21, 1855, under the present name of the Pittsfield and Detroit Free Baptist Church, with nine members. For four years the services were held at the members’ dwellings or at the village school house. In 1857 the East Pittsfield Union Meeting House was built by the combined effort of all the Christian people in this section, and here this society worshiped having their own pastor, who preached every second Sabbath, alternating with the Universalist pastor. When the Institute building was completed in 1869, they sold their interest in the Union Meeting House and began worshiping in this new Free Baptist school building. The same year a Sabbath School was organized at the village school house. This society has had a phenomenal growth.
On February 21, 1892, the beautiful edifice on Main Street, near the Institute, was dedicated to the worship of God. The parsonage is situated on the Institute property near the dormitory, and is in keeping with its beautiful surroundings. The present membership is one hundred and ninety-two resident members and fifty-eight non-resident, making a total of two hundred fifty members. The young people of the church have a prosperous Christian Endeavor Society. The pastors who have served the church, with their term of service, are as follows: Rev, R. Copp from 1855 to 1859: Rev. A. L. Gerrish from 1866 to 1876; Rev. J. B. Davis from 1876 to 1878; Rev. Alfred E. Hogbin, from 1878 to 79; Rev. James Boyd from 1879 to 1880. Rev. S. C. Whitcomb from 1881 to 1895; Rev. George L. White from 1896 to 1899; Rev. F. D. George from 1899 to 1901; Rev. O. H. Tracy, November 27, 1901.
The first Methodist class in Pittsfield was formed by Theodore Gerrish about 1870, and consisted of but nine members. A chapel was erected for worship in 1872, which was remodeled and enlarged during the pastorate of Mr. Hamilton, about seven years ago. Now they have a modern and convenient edifice, centrally located on Mason Street. Those who have served as pastors, and their dates of appointment, are as follows: Theodore Gerrish served until 1878; Ammi Prince, 1878-‘8o; C. E. Springer, 1880-82; William T. Jewell, 1882 to ’83; Norman LaMarsh, 1883-’85; W. H. Crawford, 1885-’87; R. M. Wilkins, 1887; Edward Truman, 1889 until October ; T. H. Murphy, 1888: E. S. Walker, May 1809, died August 1889; W. A. Taylor, 1889; Wilson Lermond, 1890- ’93; George H. Hamilton, 1893-’98; Albert E. Luce, 1898-‘1901, H. L. Williams, 1901-’02; A. E. Morris, 1902. A parsonage lot has been purchased on Lancey Street and a parsonage will be erected during the summer of 1904. An Epworth League is liberally supported by the young people of the church.
A Catholic society was formed in the village several years ago. Regular services have been held in Perkins Hall, by Father Kealey of Belfast. The society has just erected a new church on Detroit Ave., through the efforts of Father Kealey and his church, they having received the liberal co-operation of Pittsfield’s leading business men.
There is no church in town outside of the village, but undenominational services are often held at the Webb school house, Carr school house and Powers school house, by preachers from surrounding churches or by theological students from the Institute. Rev. Ora Chase of Canaan at one time held regular services at the Webb and Carr school houses where he had revival services in 1892, and established weekly prayer meetings which were held for several years.
From earliest records the town has given liberal support to its educational interests. The first year of its incorporation saw $150 raised for the support of schools. We find that Elizabeth Merrick taught fifteen weeks in 1819 at two dollars per week, and Lydia Fuller thirteen and one-half weeks in 1820 at one dollar per week, thus the amount raised supported several weeks of school in each of the five districts. In 1823 these districts were unnumbered. In 1825 there were one hundred and seventy-one scholars; in 1828 two hundred and fifty; in 1841 four hundred and nineteen; and in 1844 four hundred and ninety-seven. This remarkable increase shows the rate at which new families were settling in town. Most of them had families of from four to ten children, Moses Martin and David Taylor each raised families of twelve.
As the town increased the need of a higher institution of learning was felt and in 1866 a school charter was granted by the legislature to establish the Maine Central Institute. The school was opened the same year, but the present building was not completed until 1869. The building, which is a substantial and imposing brick structure, 118 by 68 feet is three stories above the basement, with a bell tower and bell.
It is beautifully situated on a high point of land, and may be distinctly seen from the surrounding country for long distances. The lot comprising 200 acres, was the gift of Going Hathorn. It is a valuable situation on the west side of Main St., in the southern part of the village. The grounds are beautifully laid out with walks and drives, studded on either side with rows of maples. In 1896 Powers Hall was finished off in the Institute building, by the Alumni at a cost of about $5000. George Powers an Alumnus of the Maine Central Institute and the one for whom the new hall is named gave about $3000 of the amount. The hall is one of the finest school halls in the state. In 1893 the institute was made a free high school to advanced students in town. The last season has seen the dormitory situated near the school building greatly enlarged and improved. An efficient board of instruction has charge of the school. In 1900 Prof. F. N. Landman, A. B., succeeded O. H. Drake as Principal. He has had fifteen years experience as an instructor and has proven himself an able leader.
BOARD OF INSTRUCTION. F. U. Landman, A. B., Principal, Latin, Mathematics and Political Economy; G. E. Ramsdell, A. B., Science and Mathematics; Fannie R. Waterman, A. M., Preceptress, Modern Languages, History and Literature; Florria M. Bishop, Superintendent Normal Department, Normal Classes, Rhetoric and Pedagogy; Mrs. C. S. Coffin, A. B., Greek and Literature; Mrs. Evelyn A. Call, Latin and Bookkeeping; Mrs. F. J. Taylor, Vocal and Instrumental Music; Mrs. E. C. Bryant, Phonography and Typewriting; Ethel B. Vickery, A. B., Elocution. This is a Free Baptist institution and a fitting school for Bates College with two literary societies. The public schools have made rapid progress and advancement in methods, and in establishing new schools in the village as the increase in the number of scholars demanded. The Lancey Street School House was built in 1888, at a cost of $10,000. It is built of brick and accommodates three grades, Primary, Intermediate and Grammar. The Riverside School House was built in 1890 and cost $4000; it is Intermediate and Grammar. In 1897 the new Primary on Hartland Avenue was built to accommodate the younger pupils in the northern part of the village. Since that time the village has grown until the schools are again overcrowded and the need of a new Intermediate school building is being brought before the people. In 1892 a radical change in the school system was made, the district system was abolished and the entire charge of all town schools was given into the hands of the Supervising School Committee. This was found to be a great improvement, as now all schools have the same number of weeks, thus giving every pupil an equal opportunity. There are but five rural schools now open, these are attended by about eighty pupils. The Schools are under the care of O. H. Drake the former principal of the Maine Central Institute.
Up to the year 1854, the site now occupied by this thrifty manufacturing village was the home of only a few scattered families. It contained a saw mill, grist mill and shingle mill, the post office of East Pittsfield, Lancey’s Inn and three or four stores. There was no railroad connection with the outside world, but during that year the Penobscot & Kennebec Railroad, (now the Maine Central), was extended from Waterville to Pittsfield, and the following summer completed through to Bangor. This raised the dignity of the humble hamlet to the position of a railroad centre for the surrounding rural section. At the same time I. H. Lancey built a hotel, an unpretentious affair but adequate to its needs and the beginning of the Lancey House of today.
Going Hathorn bought Connor’s saw and grist mills, situated near the long bridge when he came to town in 1832, but this broad minded and foreseeing man of business saw greater opportunities in the unbridled power of the Sebasticook as its unobstructed waters dashed down the rapids of its rocky bed where it had flowed for centuries. With a good capital at his command, Mr. Hathorn determined to construct and equip a mill for the manufacture of woolen goods. The one-set mill opened in January, 1869, was the result and the real beginning of this town’s remarkable prosperity. The property was bought soon after by Robert Dobson, William Dobson and William Davis. Mr. Davis, a few years after, sold his interest to Dennison Walker and Robert Dobson and the present firm name of Robert Dobson & Company was established. Extensive additions and improvements have been frequently made until this is now said to be the largest woolen manufacturing establishment in the state that is not a corporation. The plant now operates twelve sets of cards with sufficient other machinery for a sixteen set mill. In 1870 the value of its annual output was $125,000. In 1893 it was over $450,000, when 230 hands were employed in its production. Now 300 hands are employed receiving for their work $10,000 monthly. During the year 1903 692 to 823 yards of finished goods were produced, valued at $120,687.20. Its officers are Wm. Dobson, Gordon Dobson and F. W. Briggs, the latter being superintendent.
In 1883 Dennison Walker withdrew from the firm of Robert Dobson & Co and built this mill which was opened the following year under the name of the Maple Grove mill. In 1899 the mill was purchased by the Riverside Woolen Co., consisting of F. R. Smith, T. E. B. Knowles, and Ernest Maxfield. Mr. Maxfield and Mr. Knowles have since withdrawn. The present management consists of E. D. Smith, president and. F. R. Smith treasurer. This is a four set mill employing 125 hands who receive in wages from $40,000 to $45,000 annually.
For several years the manufacturies in the village had coveted the excellent mill privileges offered by the fall in the river about one mile from the railroad station. In 1892 the Waverley Woolen Co., was formed and the mill opened the following season. This mill runs nine sets of cards with sixty looms and employs 240 hands (175 men, 65 women) who receive about $8000 monthly. The product is about 50,000 yards of finished goods per month. The Waverley Woolen Company is a corporation with the following officers A. P. McMaster, president, Gordon Dobson, treasurer, S. R. Haines, superintendent. A. P. McMaster, William Dobson, J. F. Connor of Pittsfield, E. H. Blake of Bangor, C. S. Cushman of Boston and M. S. Holway of Augusta, directors.
All three mills are now equipped with high power engines for use when the water supply is limited or unavailable. No children under the age of 15 are employed in any of these establishments.
The lumber business in Pittsfield has long been an important industry and is fast increasing. The original mill of the Pittsfield Electric Light & Power Company was established about thirty years ago, by T. S. Dexter in company with Mr. Sampson, for a shingle and long lumber mill. The present company bought the plant in 1896 and put in the electric lighting system throughout the village. The spool mill was added two years later, but has gradually increased. The amount of business done during the year 1903, by this company amounted to about $75,000, $35,000 worth of business by the spool department, about the same by the long lumber department and $6,000 by the electrical department. The spool mill employs fifty hands, mostly men, the long lumber department about twenty hands, receiving in all over $2000 per month for labor. During the coming season another room 40×60 feet, is to be added to the spool department, and other extensive improvements made thereby doubling the capacity of this already important industry. Thomas E. Kitchen of Foxcroft, is President, Frank L. Smith, Treasurer and Manager.
Bryant’s Long Lumber, Sash and Blind Mill was established in 1892, by Bryant and Woodruff, but three or four years later Mr. [Frank] Bryant assumed full control. The plant has several times doubled its capacity, forty to fifty men are now employed receiving over $20,000 annuaily,and doing $100,000 to $150,000 worth of business. Everything required for the construction of a first class house is handled.
For twenty-five years following 1871, the manufacture of clothing furnished employment to many, mostly women, of this town. G. J. Pendexter was the first to establish a business of this nature here. He manufactured coats, vests and trousers while in the business, but most of the clothing manufactured here has been trousers. George W. Kimball went into partnership with Mr. Pendexter in 1877, when they made 1800 pairs of trousers a week. Since that time Mr. Kimball has remained continually in the business and is now sole owner. In the big fire of 1881 he was burned out, but immediately opened his shop in a new location. He now employs sixteen hands in his shop and furnishes work to many in their homes. Much of the work now is custom work. Others who have carried on this business in town are Joseph H. Chapman, J. H. Rich, B. L. Fitzgerald, Charles Berdeen, O. T. Merrow & Son, Gilman Gould, Llewellyn Gould, George Elliott and R. A. Conant, who also made shirts and overalls.
Other important industries are the corn canning factory of the Northern Maine Packing Co.; The Somerset County Creamery; Hunter McMaster & Co’s grist mill, John Maxfield, miller; H. A. Morrill’s brick yard, and S. S. Smith and A. L. Shattuck carriage makers.
Pittsfleld now has a National Bank incorporated in 1890. J. W. Manson is president, H. T. Libby, treasurer, and a Trust Co., incorporated last year with J. M. Chalmers, president; W. L. Pushor, treasurer.
The first regular newspaper printed here was the “Pittsfield Times” established in 1876 by Smith & Pendleton, but this did not continue for a long time. In 1882 the Advertiser was established by Charles B. Haskell. It has since continued and improved, and is now a live up-to-date weekly newspaper.
It 1894 an efficient system of water supply was established for the village. This is now owned by the town. The stand pipe situated north of the village holds 225,000 gallons and is filled from the river above the Waverly Mill, near which is located the pumping station. There are now sixty-eight public hydrants, eleven belonging to the several manufacturing concerns. These are all under high pressure, which together with a large supply of hose and an efficient fire department practically insures the town against accident in this direction.
The future for Pittsfield is very promising and not a few of her citizens see the form of a hustling manufacturing city to be realized before the second decade of this century has passed. This is not without foundation for the big Sebasticook dam recently constructed on the river below the junction of its two branches, five miles below the village, will produce about twice as much power as all that is being used by the three mills now in operation here and this power may be conducted electrically to furnish manufacturing power at the village. The Sebasticook Power Co., was incorporated last season, Allen Hackett, president; J. W. Manson, secretary and treasurer. The Company will doubtless have control of the lighting of the village when its plant is completed.
Professional Men
Col. William Lancey, a Justice of the Peace, performed most of the early legal business in the eastern part of the town, and George Whitney, Esq., who was also Deputy Sheriff, that of the settlers in the west. J. B. Peaks opened a law office here in 1876, but C. A. Farwell was the first to locate here permanently in the profession. After him came Levi Greenleaf, William Seekins, and F. L. Hovey. Those in practice now are as follows: J. W. Manson, Abel Davis, G. H. Morse, Judge O. H. Drake and T. A. Anderson.
The first regular physician to locate in Pittsfield seems to have been J. C. Manson who came here about 1855. Several came here who did not stop for a very long time. Dr. W. S. Howe, who served in the army during the war located here soon after its close. Then came Harris Pushor.
Those in practice now are as follows: F.J. Taylor, AL; T. M. Griffin, AL; T. N. Drake, E. A. Porter, AL; C. A. McDonald, AL; C. S. Philbrick, J. H. Wilson, Ecl.
Dr. W. C. Marden died recently. Among Pittsfields prominent physicians was also Dr. W. C. Marden recently deceased.
Dr. E. C. Bryant, D. D. S., opened his dental office here in 1875. He did all the work of the place in his line until it became too extensive tor one dentist when M. L. Damon located in the village.
D. D. Winslow is Pittsfield’s efficient veterinary surgeon.
The first trader was Jesse Connor who opened a store in his house in 1814. In 1824 Col. William Lancey came here from Palmyra, and soon opened a store at his residence. We find that in May 1828 he was licensed to retail spirits for four months, and the following September he was licensed to be inn holder at his dwelling house. Going Hathorn came to Pittsfield from Gardiner in 1833 and bought the mills and store of Jesse Connor. In 1839, William K. Lancey, son of Col. William Lancey, began trading at the age of eighteen. Later, H. Warren Lancey, his brother, was associated with him. In 1847 H. B. & J. C. Connor opened a general store on the west side of Main street. Lewis Wyman began about 1853. Obed Foss was at one time associated with Going Hathorn, they later sold to Dexter & McMann. Some other early traders were Morris Keene, F. D. Judkins, A. P. McMaster, C. E. Vickery, Nelson Vickery, D. W. Libby, George H. Hunter, Pendexter & Chapman, J. H. Davis, H. A. Morrill, Benjamin Thompson, A. F. Dinsmore, Vance & Bean, S. Belgardt, W. N. Child, P. E. Dinsmore, H. C. Pooler, Runnels Brothers and John Dresser.
The post-office in the western part of the town, was established about 1824, situated on the stage route from Canaan to Bangor, the stage passing through Palmyra and Newport. Capt. Benjamin Adams was the first postmaster and George Whitney succeeded him, each holding the office for many years. Alma Richardson, Mr. G. P. Garfield, Mrs. G. Garfield and Alexander Raub complete the list. This office was discontinued last year when the Rural Free Delivery was established. The village post-office, first known as East Pittsfield office was established in 1830 when it was kept by James Willis near the foot of McCarty hill. The early mails were often carried on foot to and from Palmyra. About 1849 H. B. Connor became postmaster. Succeeding him at long intervals are J. C. Connor, H. J. Brackett, H. F. Libby, and Oramel Murray the present post master.
More details of the history of Pittsfield can be found in the 1904 Pittsfield Town Register (pdf, 1.89MB). |