Pittsfield Historical Society’s
President Eisenhower’s
June 27, 1955 Visit to Pittsfield
From Bud Homstead’s photo collection.
More about Ike’s visit can be found in Sanger Cook’s Pittsfield on the Sebasticook on pages 152-155.
The Pittsfield Advertiser issue before the visit describing preparations.
The Pittsfield Advertiser issue featuring Eisenhower’s visit, June 30, 1955.
- Ike waving to crowd in front of Lou’s Texaco as parade starts.
- Ike’s car approaching Lancey House.
- Procession approaches Hunnewell Ave. as it passes the Lancey House.
- Ike passes the A&P.
- Ike passing the Pittssfield Trading Post and the Connor builing.
- Sanger Cook faces Ike on Ike’s right; Ed Muskie is sitting in car.
- Ike passing Dysart’s. The man in the white shirt in the window above Dysart’s is Larry Dysart.
- Ike talking to children. Man facing Ike is Sanger Cook.