This page is dedicated to our Historic Houses photo collection. Residences are alphabetically listed by last name. Many of these have been scanned from old newspaper photos, and the grainy quality will remain. If anyone has any information on these residences, please tell us about them so we can include it here. Not all these houses are still standing. Click on pictures to enlarge. |
Frank W. Briggs house, 1907 photo.
Dr. E. C. Bryant house, 1907 photo. Still standing in 2005, used by MCI.
 Bulley House in 2020.
Bulley House. This is the former Bulley House located next to the mill pond. Dr. Reid had his optometry office there for a few years beginning in 1981. In 1989 he restored this 1880s mansion. By 1972 the location was called the “Bulley House” as it was where the long time Bulley Taxi Service was located. |
Sanger Cook’s House in winter, circa 1955. Sanger Cook wrote the 1966 history of the town, Pittsfield on the Sebasticook. This house stood at the corner of South Main St. and Peltoma Ave. and was badly damaged by fire in 2017.
Dr. Dow’s office, in 1970’s. |
The Smith Home on Peltoma Avenue was nominated by Heart Of Pittsfield Facebook followers for their work on their home. Wanda and Daniel Smith have lived in the former Coolidge home since 1982. Beginning as renters, they purchased the house in 1986.
What a beautiful home they have! Please recognize them personally and thank them for beautifying one of gateway streets with the recent renovations done to their home. |
Dr M. L. Damon residence, 1907 newspaper photo.
Glencairn House. See the Glencairn House page. |
Samuel R. Haines house, 1907 photo. Ernest Stein, M. D. moved here from Stockton Springs in 1952, purchased the former S. R. Haines residence on Main Street, and carried on an active practice.
[2008 photo] The 9 room Hamilton house on Hartland Avenue at the corner of Hamilton Drive. Original landscaping included a tennis court and a stone, sunken garden on the north side where at one point a peacock was kept (according to Clum Spencer). One resident owned Northeast Chemical, which was destroyed by fire on March 1, 1973. The plant was located where the Cianbro building is now. House owners included Birger Hamilton and Arthur T. Hamilton his son. There was a fire some 80 years ago, after which the structure was rebuilt. Brik Hamilton received the Eagle Scout award, January 22, 1969.
Thomas G. Lancey house, 1907 photo. More photos and bit of history of this house can be found here. Thomas Lancy began the Lancey House Inn in the mid 1800’s.
Dr. V. T. Lathbury residence, on the corner of Hathorn and Park Streets. The site is now occupied by the Hathorn Estates building. 1907 newspaper photo.
Moses Martin Farm, 1907 photo. Built in 1818, this was the oldest wood frame building in Pittsfield until it burned in the mid 1960’s. More about the Martin farm here. Also, see what the site looked like in 2005.
A. P. McMaster house, 1907 photo.
 Merrow house (next to U.U. Parsonage).
Merrow house. |
Llewellyn Parks house, 1907 photo. Llewellyn Parks became Governor of Maine.
Nathaniel L. Perkins house. The Nathaniel L. Perkins house has its own page. |
 Parsonage, Pittsfield Maine, June 1900.
Universalist Parsonage. |
 The Pooler mansion, Pittsfield, 1900.
Pooler Mansion. |
W. L. Pushor residence, 1907 photo. |
S. M. Raymond house, 1907 photo. The S. M. Raymond Real Estate and Employment Agency featured in “Souvenir of Pittsfield, Me.” compiled by A. J. Loder and printed in 1907, listed farms, house lots, wood and lumber lots for sale. The office was located opposite the Station. This photo features the Raymond residence on West Street.
Oral Small Farm, Bean’s Corner Road.
 Spaulding House 1927 |
Stanley Small home.
 1907 photo.
Dr. F. J. Taylor house. Dr. F. J. Taylor settled in Pittsfield about 1882, coming from Jay, Maine, where he was born in 1854. In 1907 he had been in practice twenty-six years and was described as “a public spirited citizen, a successful physician and a man who is always willing to take hold and work with a will for the moral and material advancement of the town.” The Dr.Taylor House , later owned by Dr. Humphey, now (2023) owned by Dr. Ron Watson is located next to Library. |
Dr. John Woodcock’s house on Somerset Ave. Dr. Woodcock’s house has its own page.
Woodruff House. Location: 109 Hartland Avenue, formerly 3 Hartland Avenue. Description: 2½ story wood frame house with attached barn. Owners: Jane and Don Woodruff. The Woodruff house has its own page.
Michael Wyman house, 1926 photo.