![]() Pittsfield Historical Society’s Pittsfield’s Dates of Note
1615.00.00Wawenocks Indian War
Date: year.mo.da | Event |
1775.00.00 | First settler Lovel Fairbrother in Sebasticook (Pittsfield), A.K.A. Governor of Sebasticook (unofficial) |
1779.00.00 | British threaten Biguyduce (Castine) |
1795.00.00 | Moses Martin comes to Pittsfield with his family. |
1800.00.00 | First frame house built near current Exxon station, corner Easy and Main Streets by George Brown |
1800.00.00 | First Sawmill built on Edwards Co. plant land |
1800.00.00 | Squire Weymouth comes to Pittsfield. Son ‘Elder’ Weymouth helps found MCI |
1806.00.00 | First stage coach service to Bangor |
1814.00.00 | Jessie Connor comes to Pittsfield |
1814.00.00 | William Parks comes to town |
1816.00.00 | David Pushor comes to Pittsfield |
1816.07.04 | First petition to state of Massachusetts to become Town of Perry |
1818.00.00 | Phillip Powers comes to town and settles on Powers Corner or Powers Rd. |
1819.06.19 | Act of Incorporation enacted, now known as Warsaw (town number 234) |
1819.07.26 | David Pushor first tax collector |
1819.07.26 | Vote to separate from Massachusetts (32-0 in favor) |
1820.04.00 | 44 vote cast for Maine’s first governor, William King |
1820.04.00 | John Wyman representative to General Court |
1823.00.00 | Benjamin Eaton first representative to legislature from Pittsfield. |
1823.00.00 | First spirituous liquor license. |
1824.00.00 | Col. William Lancey comes To Pittsfield |
1824.00.00 | Name of town changed to Pittsfield |
1827.00.00 | Palmyra annexes the ” L” |
1829.00.00 | First burying ground established on what is now Hathorn Park |
1830.00.00 | Parks Homestead built (now MCI North Campus and golf course) |
1832.00.00 | Going Hathorn comes to Pittsfield. |
1852.00.00 | Penobscot & Kennebec Railroad Company comes to Pittsfield |
1854.00.00 | Penobscot & Kennebec Railroad Company comes to Pittsfield |
1854.11.00 | Railroad completed as far as Waterville. |
1855.06.04 | Baptist Church formed. |
1855.07.02 | First train to Waterville from Pittsfield |
1855.07.23 | First train to Bangor from Pittsfield. |
1860.00.00 | Maine & Pittsfield send recruits to Civil War by train |
1862.10.28 | Maine Central Railroad Company formed |
1866.00.00 | Maine Central Institute founded. |
1866.08.30 | MCI opens for first term with 83 students |
1867.00.00 | Grange Hall, Pioneer Mill, Union Hall, and Grand Army of the Republic built |
1867.00.00 | Local paper, ladies underwear factory, pants factory, harness shop, brickyard, Masonic Lodge, Lodge of Good Templars, and IOOF established |
1867.06.24 | Money for seminary building voted |
1868.00.00 | Lancey House built by Isaac Lancey |
1877.00.00 | First record egg: 6.5″ X 8 |
1877.00.00 | MCI bell presented by H. Warren Lancey. |
1882.04.00 | Pittsfield Advertiser first published (price: 35 cents/year) |
1882.07.00 | Spring 1869 MCI opens for first full course of 4 terms, 10 weeks each in Institute Building |
1882.07.00 | Union Hall built |
1883.00.00 | Two large woolen mills, two lumber mills, railroad to Hartland, electric power plant, large clothing factory, community water works, sewer system built and established. |
1883.00.00 | Union Hall opened |
1884.00.00 | First steam engine comes to Pittsfield; located in basement of Union Hall to pump water from the mill pond, later installed at the Advertiser. |
1885.00.00 | Col. Morrill establishes a livery stable at the Lancey House. |
1886.00.00 | New dormitory built at MCI |
1886.00.00 | Pants factory established. Makes 1800 pairs/week. |
1886.04.00 | Sebasticook & Moosehead Railway proposed |
1886.11.00 | Sebasticook & Moosehead railway opens for business |
1888.00.00 | Work begun on Lancey St. Grammar School |
1889.00.00 | First National Bank organized. |
1890.00.00 | Bridge and street donated to town by William Hunnewell |
1891.00.00 | Douglas Dam built |
1892.00.00 | Bryant & Woodruff steam woodworking mill built |
1892.00.00 | Waverly Mill built |
1893.00.00 | Tuesday Club organized |
1893.04.11 | Waverly Mill dedicated. |
1893.08.00 | Col. Morrill opens Union Trotting Park at site of current airport. |
1894.00.00 | Steam heat installed in Union Hall |
1894.00.00 | Town votes 104 – 7 to own Pittsfield Water Works. |
1895.01.00 | Water pumping machinery set in motion for first time. |
1896.00.00 | Death of Robert Dobson. |
1896.00.00 | First recorded flood in Pittsfield from 72 hours of rain. Washes out country roads and small bridges. |
1896.00.00 | Llewellyn Powers nominated for governor. |
1896.00.00 | Second floor of Institute Building finished into a public hall. |
1897.02.22 | Dedication of MCI second floor hall named for Gov. Powers. |
1897.02.22 | Second flood. |
1898.03.00 | Isaac Lancey Passes away |
1898.04.00 | William K. Lancey passes away |
1898.06.14 | Manson Prize for Orations started (Manson Prize Speaking), won by H. L. Cornforth, speaking on “Annexation of Hawaii.” |
1898.08.01 | Town votes to have electric street lights |
1899.00.00 | Universalist Church renovated |
1899.09.20 | Highway labor rate: 17 cents/hour man or oxen |
1899.09.20 | Steven Kendall first delegate to Constitutional Convention in Portland, Maine |
1899.12.06 | State constitution ratified: vote: 19-0 in favor |
1901.00.00 | Heavy snow this season. |
1901.00.00 | Sebasticook & Moosehead Railway snowed in. |
1901.00.00 | Third flood in Pittsfield; less damage than in 1897. |
1903.00.00 | Further development at (old) Ringwood; construction of a dance pavilion |
1903.00.00 | New home for Pittsfield Public Library built on site of T. G. Lancey’s old carriage shop |
1903.00.00 | St. Agnes Church founded. |
1904.02.00 | Grange Hall dedicated. |
1904.06.00 | Public Library Building and Soldier’s Monument dedicated. |
1904.11.00 | First services at St. Agnes Church. |
1904.11.00 | Grammar School on N. Lancey St. completed |
1905.00.00 | Death of William Dobson. |
1905.03.00 | Bank moves to Connor Block at corner of Main and Central Streets. |
1905.04.00 | Fire West Side of Main Street. Much property damage no reported deaths. |
1906.08.00 | Train wreck on the main line below Farnham Brook; one dead, several injured |
1906.10.00 | Lancey House Hotel burns for first time. Loss: $25,000 |
1907.00.00 | Souvenir edition of Pittsfield published by A. J. Loder |
1908.00.00 | Death of Oramel Murray (former postmaster) announced |
1908.00.00 | Death of Jesse Connor announced. |
1908.00.00 | West side of Main Street rebuilt, started with C. E. Vickery block. |
1909.00.00 | First movie theater located on Park Street in the area of the town office. |
1910.00.00 | Death of D. M. Parks (former fire chief) announced |
1910.00.00 | Death of Orin S. Haskell (established the Pittsfield Advertiser 1882) announced |
1910.00.00 | Death of A. P. McMaster announced |
1911.00.00 | Lancey House repaired; operations resume |
1911.01.00 | Fire destroys Connor Block and T. E. Getchell Hardware. |
1912.01.00 | Fire destroys North Side of Main Street from T. E. Getchell Hardware to N. L. Perkins Block. |
1913.00.00 | Death of N. L. Perkins (merchant) announced. |
1913.00.00 | Fire strikes Main St. again. This time on the corner of Park and Main Streets. |
1913.00.00 | MCI builds new girls dormitory |
1913.00.00 | Militia organized, L. O. Haskell Capt. |
1913.00.00 | Otis M. Vinning American Legion Post organized. |
1913.00.00 | West side of Main St. cleared of fire damaged buildings and rebuilt. |
1914.00.00 | Central Maine Power founded through sale of Sebasticook Power Co. and four others. |
1914.00.00 | Death of C.B. Haskell – former publisher of the Advertiser, former deputy sheriff; former U.S. deputy marshall, former postmaster – announced. |
1914.11.00 | Dobsons Mills sold to American Woolen Co. |
1915.00.00 | Death of Naaman Corey, retired night watchman (policeman) and tax collector announced. |
1915.00.00 | Death of Gordon Dobson (builder of Dobson Mills), |
1915.00.00 | Death of Preston Hersey (builder of Lancey House) |
1917.00.00 | American Woolen Co. purchases Riverside Mill. |
1917.00.00 | Pittsfield Trust Co. goes bankrupt. |
1917.00.00 | WW I begins |
1919.00.00 | Centennial Celebration — 100 years of Pittsfield as a town. |
1920.00.00 | Hathorn Park proposed — to became first municipal park |
1922.00.00 | Earle E. Friend opens branch of Friend & Friend Garage in present location |
1923.00.00 | Elizabeth Pierce Lancey DAR places marker at old Moses Martin homestead |
1924.00.00 | Community Hospital opened. |
1924.00.00 | Town purchases new fire truck cost $5,000 |
1925.00.00 | First aircraft medical call |
1925.07.00 | Pittsfield site of a conference of 14 governors |
1927.12.00 | Boy’s dorm at MCI destroyed by fire |
1928.00.00 | First gas and fuel co. organized |
1928.00.00 | New Dorm, Alumni Hall, built and dedicated. |
1928.00.00 | Old Dr. Blanchard House (No. 1 N. Main St.) purchased for St. Agnes Rectory |
1929.00.00 | First talking pictures come to Pittsfield |
1929.12.00 | Hubbard’s Garage (now home to Valley Graphics) destroyed by fire. |
1933.00.00 | Airport proposed. |
1933.00.00 | Death of Dr. E. C. Bryant announced |
1933.00.00 | Death of Alee McNabb announced |
1933.00.00 | Death of Benjamin S. Mathews announced |
1933.00.00 | Death of George M. Parks announced |
1933.00.00 | Death of Capt. William Ross announced |
1933.00.00 | Death of George G. Gage announced |
1933.00.00 | Eighteen head of cattle destroyed when Powers Homestead burns to ground. |
1933.00.00 | fire destroys Lehr Block Loss $15,000 |
1933.00.00 | Pittsfield National Bank closes. |
1933.00.00 | Vickery Block damaged badly by fire. |
1935.00.00 | A. L. Thorndike first town manager. |
1935.00.00 | Airport established at site of old Union Trotting Park. |
1935.00.00 | L. A. DYSART opens 5 & 10 store. |
1935.00.00 | Town changes to town manager form. |
1936.00.00 | A. L. Thorndike resigns as town manager |
1936.00.00 | C. R. Ames appointed town manager. |
1936.00.00 | Craig Coal Co. sold to Lyle McCrillis. |
1936.00.00 | Fire damages Union Hall; damage estimated at $40,000. |
1936.00.00 | Fourth flood, Main St. bridges had to be blown up to allow passages for ice cakes. |
1936.00.00 | Parks Memorial Gym completed at MCI. |
1939.00.00 | Death of Rev. Milo G. Folsom announced. |
1939.00.00 | Death of Eugene Powers announced |
1939.00.00 | Death of C. E. Vickery announced. |
1939.00.00 | Death of H. F. Libby announced |
1939.00.00 | Death of T. G. Lancey announced |
1939.00.00 | Deaths of Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Getchall announced |
1939.00.00 | Farm fire on Grove Hill. |
1939.00.00 | First Eagle Boy Scout from troop #128. |
1940.00.00 | CMP opens company Store on Main Street. |
1940.00.00 | Kiwanis organized, Dr. M. A. Webber first president (4-23). |
1940.00.00 | Pittsfield enters WW II |
1941.00.00 | Civil defense unit organized; volunteers for observation posts called for (Lancey House Hotel was the first post) |
1941.00.00 | Death E. N. Shaw (merchant) announced |
1941.00.00 | Death J. W. Manson (lawyer) announced |
1941.00.00 | Death J. N. Tarbell announced |
1941.00.00 | Death of E. D. Cal1 (cementary sexton) announced |
1944.00.00 | Death of William McGilvery announced |
1945.00.00 | Advertiser sold to J. R. Cianchette |
1945.00.00 | Lancey House bought by J. R. Cianchette |
1945.00.00 | Training for Medwed Shoes, occupants of Old Waverly Mill, Started (Jan.). |
1945.08.00 | `VJ Day bonfire to celebrate end of war. |
1946.00.00 | J. R. Cianchette builds sawmill on Lower Peltoma Ave. and begins housing project in a hay field off Peltoma Avenue to be called Peltoma Acres.; project reviewed by Sen. Margaret Chase Smith. |
1946.00.00 | Machine shop opens in what is now MCI Ruth Plummer Cook music building. |
1946.00.00 | Rev. Josephine Folsom dies just after announcing her retirement due to ill health. |
1947.00.00 | Construction begun on Manson Park six years after the death of J. W. Manson. |
1947.00.00 | Death of James LaGorio (merchant and politician) announced |
1947.00.00 | Peltoma Acres project completed. Open house held in May. |
1947.00.00 | Pittsfield Woolen Yarns Co., Inc. organized. |
1947.00.00 | Robert Parker, O.D., opens office in Pittsfield. |
1947.00.00 | Thrifty Store opens on Main Street (now Ken’s Restaurant). |
1947.00.00 | Wright’s Dairy opens pasteurization plant on Highland Ave. |
1947.00.00 | Wright’s Dry Cleaners established |
1948.00.00 | Addition made by J. R. Cianchette to Grammar School on N. Lancey St. |
1948.00.00 | Medwed Shoe Factory opens for production. |
1948.00.00 | Preliminary work completed at Manson Park; first program 282 young people attended. |
1949.00.00 | John Woodcock, D.V.M., comes to town. |
1950.00.00 | A&P comes to Pittsfield. |
1950.00.00 | C. G. Milliken sells shoddy mill to a group of investors headed by J. R. Cianchett. |
1950.00.00 | Fendler Tilton Motors occupies old P. E. Susi Shop on S. Main St. and becomes Fendler-Tilton Dodge |
1950.00.00 | Parks Bros. Insurance Agency merges with Sanger M. Cook Agency to become Vickery & Lehr Agency. |
1951.00.00 | Waverly Bridge rebuilt and dedicated to Pittsfield people who died in Korean Conflict |
1952/53 | L & H Chevrolet established, |
1952.00.00 | Ernest W. Stein, M.D. comes to Pittsfield to practice medicine. |
1952.00.00 | Manson Park School built |
1952.00.00 | Pool need discussed by Kiwanis. |
1952.02.11 | Calvary Baptist Church organized. |
1953.07.00 | Pool ready for use and dedicated |
1953.09.19 | Pioneer Mill closure announced by American Woolen Co. |
1954.00.00 | Building on Park St. purchased for Calvary Baptist Church. |
1954.00.00 | Textron takes control of American Woolen Co. in proxy fight in Dec. |
1954.00.00 | Vickery & Lehr becomes Lehr Agency. |
1955.00.00 | Body Shop added to L & H Chevrolet. |
1955.00.00 | Edwards Co. Pittsfield built. |
1955.00.00 | First National Bank moves to present quarters |
1955.00.00 | Pittsfield Truck And Farm becomes dealer for International Harvester Co. (now called Navistar). |
1955.00.00 | W. W. Lehr opens furniture store on Lower Burnham Rd. |
1955.06.00 | President Eisenhower visits Pittsfield |
1955.10.25. | Textron America signs papers to take control of American Woolen and old Pioneer Mill property. |
1956.00.00 | Edwards Co. comes to Pittsfield. |
1956.00.00 | Farrer’s Furniture becomes branch of New Central Furniture Co. |
1956.00.00 | Vickery School built |
1957.00.00 | J. R. Cianchette takes over theatre and remodels same |
1957.00.00 | J. R. Cianchette & Sons builds offices and shops on S. Main (current home to M. S. Hancock Lumber Co. Pittsfield Division.). |
1958.10.00 | Vickery School opened for classes |
1959.00.00 | Church of the Nazarene building erected. |
1959.00.00 | Cianchette Hall of Science built |
1959.00.00 | MCI acquires Industrial Arts Building from Quoddy |
1959.00.00 | MCI acquires Manson House for Headmaster’s House |
1959.00.00 | Nye property is temporary Music Center |
1959.00.00 | Plans to erect building to house Bud’s Supermarket announced by J. R. Cianchette. |
1959.00.00 | Powell Memorial Library built through bequest of Mrs. William H. Powel1 in memory of Judge Powell Class of 1885 |
1959.00.00 | Riverside School bought by C. M. Almy & Sons (Church Goods). |
1960.04.01 | Plans for new hospital discussed |
1961.00.00 | Maine Fence Co. commences operations at old Forham Canning Factory |
1961.00.00 | Rowe Hall built at MCI |
1961.07.00 | Work on new hospital begun |
1961.10.00 | Sebasticook Valley Hospital cornerstone laid. |
1962.00.00 | MCI acquires old Parks Homestead |
1962.00.00 | Willard W. Lehr, Jr., and Burton G. Hammond combine agencies, move to Hunnewell Ave. |
1963.00.00 | Bowl-Rite Lanes opens. |
1963.00.00 | Embers Restaurant (former location of Kristinas) opens, David Mercier Owner/Cook |
1963.03.03 | Sebasticook Valley Hospital opens for business: Ernest D, Humphreys, M.D. named chief of staff |
1964.00.00 | I-95 opens in Maine Augusta – Houlton |
1964.00.00 | Park St. rebuilding suggested by State of Maine Dept. of Transportation. |
1964.00.00 | Pittsfield Drug Store announces closing Jan. |
1964.00.00 | Sewerage system and treatment plan discussed by selectmen. |
1964.02.00 | D. E. Olsen, publisher of Pittsfield Advertiser buys Leon Gordon Block to house Advertiser. |
1964.02.00 | First issue Pittsfield Pioneer Shopping Guide. |
1964.02.00 | Further discussion on Park St. issue |
1964.02.05 | First D.P.T. Clinic in Pittsfield. |
1964.02.06 | Pittsfield Advertiser moves to Gordon Block (also known as Harold’s Restaurant in later years, current site of parking lot for Cianbro Building on side next to Exxon gas station.) |
1964.02.20 | First National Bank adds rotating time/temperature clock to facade |
1964.03.06 | Dr. Ernest D. Humphrey passes away |
1964.03.12 | First anniversary of the hospital |
1964.04.00 | Dr. John Dow joins Sebasticook Valley Hospital |
1964.04.00 | Earl A. White new manager |
1964.04.00 | JCs chartered |
1964.04.00 | School superintendent William Springer retires |
1964.04.00 | Sumner Jones, Jr., temporary town manager |
1964.05.00 | Charles Tryder promoted to superintendent of Pittsfield schools |
1964.05.00 | Local doctors use two-way radios for first time |
1964.07.00 | JCs reorganize Boy Scouts |
1964.07.00 | Old hide plant on Sebasticook St. being torn down |
1964.08.00 | Grove Hill water tank erected |
1964.08.00 | Old Hunter McMaster store demolished by John McMann (now site of C. R. Philbrick & Sons Citgo station) |
1964.09.00 | Furniture Exchange moves from Main St. to Park St. warehouse |
1964.09.00 | Wright’s Food Center (now Wright’s Emporium) opens |
1964.09.18 | The Burnt Biscuit Bakery to open in Pittsfield |
1964.10.08 | Memorial land marker placed at entrance to Sebasticook Valley Hospital |
1964.10.14 | Sen. Ed Muskie tours Pittsfield |
1964.10.31 | I-95 open |
1964.12.17 | Annual Christmas concert at MCI |
1965.00.00 | Addition built onto Vickery School. |
1965.10.30 | Final fire at Lancey House Hotel; will not be rebuilt: |
1965.00.00 | Lawrence’s Flower Shop opens on Hartland Ave. |
1965.00.00 | Nye House rededicated as Hurd Infirmary; Bryant House used as dorm. |
1965.01.00 | MCI Winter Carnival, 1.29/30 |
1965.01.00 | Pittsfield adds fluoride to water |
1965.01.00 | Pittsfield Advertiser 83 years old |
1965.01.00 | Tornado hits Somerset County (1.21) |
1965.01.14 | Bemis Meat Mkt. opens. |
1965.02.00 | Advertiser moves back to Hunnewell Ave. (area of Lehr Agency/Skowhegan Savings Bank parking lot) |
1965.02.00 | Cable TV proposed by editor of Advertiser |
1965.02.00 | Don’s Sunoco opens |
1965.02.00 | Lou’s Texaco opens (2.11) |
1965.02.00 | MCI tourney bound |
1965.02.00 | New restaurant, The Pine State, opens, replacing the Burnt Biscuit |
1965.02.00 | Ski tow at Pinnacle developed by Kiwanis Club |
1965.02.15 | Pittsfield Advertiser moves back to Hunnewell Ave. |
1965.02.16 | Karoldene Martin, MCI senior foul shot queen in state shoot off. |
1965.03.11 | Harvey Varney sports reporter for Advertiser |
1965.03.11 | Town says no surf boarding (skate boarding) in Pittsfield |
1965.03.11. | Town Reports for 1964 out |
1965.03.18 | Kiwanis holds Slave Auction |
1965.03.25 | Annual work week at MCI |
1965.03.25 | Record hop at Fish and Game Club for teens 13-18. |
1965.04.00 | Big real estate sale of properties in Pittsfield |
1965.04.00 | Edwards Company retires first employee |
1965.04.00 | James E. Hannigan new town manager |
1965.04.01 | Burnham Dam sold to Pittsfield Manufacturing Co. and Burnham Hydro Co. – both of Pittsfield |
1965.04.01 | Hospital founder plaque installed at SVH |
1965.04.03 | Edward’s Co. retires first employee. |
1965.04.15 | Drive-in theatre opens for season. |
1965.04.15 | Pittsfield Cadet Girl Scouts #310 host Stonington Girl Scouts |
1965.04.22 | Hathaway Shirt Co. advertising for female help from Pittsfield area |
1965.04.22 | Herman Realty offers seven properties for sale in Pittsfield. Offerings include airport land and hanger, warehouse on Railroad Street and current home of Hancock Lumber |
1965.04.22 | National Library Week April 25 – May 1 |
1965.04.22 | US. Post Office housing plans for Pittsfield put out to bid |
1965.04.22 | Veterans of WW I Barracks 3210 meet at American Legion home on Waverly Ave. April 28 |
1965.04.29 | American Bike Month announced for May 1965. |
1965.04.29 | Kiwanis plans 25th anniversary |
1965.04.29 | Little League and Babe Ruth tryouts announced |
1965.04.29 | Mill rate increases by 7 |
1965.05.00 | Kiwanis celebrates silver anniversary in Pittsfield |
1965.05.00 | SARC interested in Hartland Ave. school and later acquires same. Named for Marie Bradford. |
1965.05.00 | Weymouth Cemetery to be restored |
1965.05.06 | Annual pop concert at MCI announced 5.13.65 |
1965.05.06 | Athenaeum Club announces dance |
1965.05.06 | Girl Scout Troop #310 announces variety show |
1965.05.06 | Key Club Announces scholarship drive |
1965.05.13 | Pine State Restaurant closes. |
1965.05.13 | Tania Winsor named Somerset County Poultry Queen |
1965.05.20 | Pittsfield Advertiser sold; bought by Pittsfield Publishers, Inc. |
1965.05.27 | Young majorettes march in parade (Colleen Dunphy, Jill McGowan, Debbie Killiam, Tam Wright) |
1965.05.27. | Kiwanis celebrates 25th anniversary |
1965.06.00 | Fly-In held at Pittsfield Municipal Airport. |
1965.06.00 | Northeast Shoe joins union |
1965.06.03 | Vickery School band marches in Memorial Day parade. |
1965.06.10 | New’ Pittsfield street sweeper in action |
1965.06.10 | Leo Folsom Lands 22 ½ lb. cod at Boothbay Harbor. |
1965.06.10 | Rules for use of Manson Park announced |
1965.06.17 | Cianbro gets Vickery School bid |
1965.06.17 | Girl Scouts plan camping trip. |
1965.06.17 | JC’s build patio at hospital |
1965.06.17 | Pittsfield Youth Center buys pitching machine (sometimes referred to as an Iron Mike) |
1965.06.17 | Somerset Shopper (newspaper) established |
1965.06.21 | Kiwanis pool registration opens. |
1965.06.24 | Cianbro Realty Corp. gets contract for new post off ice |
1965.06.24 | JC’s plan auction |
1965.06.24 | Pittsfield Boy Scouts plan hike. |
1965.07.01 | New dugouts built at Legge’s Diamond, Hathorn Park. |
1965.07.08 | Kiwanis Karnival two weeks away (July 22–24) |
1965.07.15 | Band Missing Links to be featured at Karnival. |
1965.07.15 | Kiwanis sets out new benches |
1965.07.15 | Pittsfield Band reorganizing |
1965.07.15 | Pittsfield Tastee-Freez under new management, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Richardson |
1965.07.15 | Ryan Fendler to be Silver Dollar Plane Pilot |
1965.07.22 | Kiwanis Karnival gets underway |
1965.07.22 | Spencer R. Havey on Groton, Connecticut police department. |
1965.07.29 | Editorial on Manson Park by Sanger M. Cook. |
1965.07.29 | Hitching post for horses established at Tastee-Freez |
1965.07.29 | N. J. Karam passes away |
1965.07.29 | Questions on intentions with reference to Manson Park raised with reference to the will of J. W. Manson (1941) |
1965.07.29 | Teen Hop (dance) at Tastee-Freez |
1965.08.00 | Sixteen years ago in 1949 Highway Post Offices were introduced replacing the Railroad Post Office (RPO). |
1965.08.05 | Lancey House sold to Norman S. Stafford for Pittsfield Hotel Corp. |
1965.08.05 | New Embers Restaurant opens, David Mercier owner/manager. |
1965.08.19 | Airport sold to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Andrews |
1965.08.19 | George Hallenbeck lands 4 lb. 8 oz. bass out of Sibley Pond, Pittsfield |
1965.08.19 | JC auction |
1965.08.19 | Library plans lawn party |
1965.08.19 | Maine Fence Co. adds new line |
1965.08.19 | Pittsfield Kiwanis Babe Ruth team town champs: 17 wins, 0 losses. |
1965.08.19 | Water show at Pool |
1965.10.07 | Charlie Rowell starts shuttle bus service for junior bowlers in Pittsfield, Newport, Hartland Area. |
1965.10.07 | L & H Chevrolet has open house for 1966 car model year. |
1965.10.07 | Leon and his Missing Links perform in Boston at Surf Ballroom. |
1965.10.21 | Consecration services set for St. Martin’s Episcopal Church. Bishop Loring to be guest celebrant. |
1965.10.21 | Lancey House Hotel on TV. |
1965.10.28 | Eric Sobey named Farmer of the Week. |
1965.11.00 | Donald H. Shorey opens funeral parlor on Hartland Ave. |
1965.11.04 | Bad fire at Lancey House Hotel announced; happened October 30, 1965. Details on Lancey House Hotel matter occupy paper most of November 1965. |
1965.11.18 | JC’s sponsor Junior Miss Pageant. |
1965.11.18 | Kiwanis moves meetings to Embers Restaurant following Lancey House Hotel fire. |
1965.11.25 | Auction of Lancey House fixtures and furnishings set for December 8 and 9, 1965. |
1965.11.25 | Clyde Barden Farmer of the Week. |
1965.11.25 | MCI Huskie Hut opens. |
1965.11.25 | Stafford announces plans to rebuild Lancey House Hotel. |
1965.12.02 | Binding of old issues of Advertiser compiled, project started in 1963. |
1965.12.02 | Lancey House Hotel remains to be demolished. |
1965.12.09 | Auction of Lancey House fixtures etc. in final day. |
1965.12.09 | Plans for new Lancey House Hotel stalled by high land costs. |
1965.12.09 | Wayside Pulpit installed at Universalist Church. |
1965.12.16 | Book by Sanger Mills Cook on Pittsfield History announced. |
1965.12.16 | Lancey House fixtures etc. auction reported on. |
1965.12.16 | Norval B. ‛Bud’ Lewis to head English Department at MCI |
1965.12.23 | Linda Abbot named Pittsfield Junior Miss for 1965/66. |
1965.12.30 | Norm Lyon gets award for twenty-five years of service from Western Auto Stores. |
1965.12.30 | Pittsfield Fire Department gets new fire truck, cost $16,220. |
1966.01.06 | Patricia Ann Cianchette Pittsfield’s newest citizen |
1966.01.27 | MCI plans for 100th anniversary February 1, 1966. |
1966.01.27. | MCI Winter Carnival king and queen candidates announced. |
1966.02.03 | William LaBarge and Nancy Jones named king and queen at Winter Carnival. |
1966.02.03. | MCI has special assembly on 100th Aniversary. |
1966.02.17 | Northeast Shoe Co. to start operations April 1966 |
1966.02.17. | Questions asked as to safety of Waverly Dam. |
1966.02.17. | Sixty-eighth anniversary of the sinking of The U.S.S. Maine in Havana Harbor, Cuba |
1966.02.24 | Bowl four strings for $1.00 at Bowl Rite Lanes. |
1966.02.24 | New book cases donated to library by JC’s. |
1966.02.24 | Pittsfield votes against Sunday sales of liquor. |
1966.03.03 | Langdon Andre is manager of Pittsfield’s Wirthmore Feed Store honored by parent store. |
1966.03.10 | Lehr Furniture Co. changes ownership; sold to Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Craft and Paul Bartlett. |
1966.03.10 | New town garage needed. |
1966.03.17 | New post office to be dedicated March 20, 1966 |
1966.03.17 | Roosevelt T. Susi seeking third term to State Legislature. |
1966.03.20 | New Post Office opens on Central St. |
1966.03.24 | Athenaeum Club ten years old. |
1966.03.24 | Eaton Mt. Ski Area proposed. |
1966.03.24 | Tastee-Freez opens for season; strawberry Sundae $0.25. |
1966.03.31 | Lancey House Hotel remains sold to ‛Bud’ Homstead. |
1966.04.07 | Boston Post Cane presented to Sidney F. Jones |
1966.04.07 | New Lancey House Hotel still proposed. |
1966.04.14 | Byron ‛Bud’ Dow buys Pittsfield Hardware & Plumbing from Seymour Balch. |
1966.04.14 | Don Humphrey starts drive for Chamber of Commerce for Pittsfield area. |
1966.04.14 | Outdoor basketball court planned. |
1966.04.21 | Larry Dysart named treasurer of local cancer crusade |
1966.04.21 | MCI Key Club gets trophy for Northeast District, Silver Section, for projects to cure vandalism. |
1966.04.21 | Northeast Shoe plans modern building. |
1966.04.28 | Plans for motel/restaurant complex O.K.’d; construction to start in 60 days. |
1966.05.12 | New dorm for MCI nears completion. |
1966.05.12 | Northeast Shoe breaks ground for new factory |
1966.05.26 | Sanger M. Cook’s book to be released. |
1966.05.26 | Tastee-Freez selling Boston Shakes as special of week $0.39. |
1966.06.09 | New Junior High Building proposed. |
1966.06.16 | Dr. M. A. Webber honored by Maine Medical Association for 55 years service. |
1966.07.07 | First annual JC Fly-In set for July 10, 1966. |
1966.07.07 | Outdoor basketball court opened July 1, 1966. |
1966.07.07 | Referendum question on new junior high school set for July 11, 1966. |
1966.07.14 | Bowl-Rite Lanes opens car wash |
1966.07.21 | Town fire alarm system hit by lightning. Placed out of order for 20 days (back on line August 11, 1966) |
1966.07.28 | Staples Oil Co. and Pittsfield Airport granted building permits for new building and addition |
1966.08.04 | Rowe Hall, new dorm at MCI readied for inspection during reunion. |
1966.08.04 | Town Tronic opens new store at 17 Main Street |
1966.08.11 | Fire alarm system back on line |
1966.08.11 | Sen. Margaret Chase Smith speaks at MCI reunion. |
1966.08.25 | Lancey House Hotel remains to be demolished by December 1, 1966. |
1966.08.25 | Pony races held at Cianchette Stables. |
1966.08.25 | Town garage building purchased in kit form from Wirthmore Feed Store, total cost of project approximately $19,000 |
1966.09.06 | R. Stevens Kleinschmidt, AB, SM, SCD opens office for civil engineering in former Goode Shoppe on Main Street. |
1966.09.06 | Staples Oil Co. opens new office on Stinson Ave. |
1966.09.15 | First pony races held at Cianchette Stables. |
1966.09.15 | Morning Sentinel Newspaper announces association with Pittsfield Advertiser publisher G. B. Mitchell. |
1966.09.22 | Demolition of Old Lancey House Hotel begun. |
1966.09.29 | Extensive repairs to be made to town pool. |
1966.09.29 | Lancey House Hotel demolition nearly complete. |
1966.09.29 | Removal of parking meters proposed. |
1966.10.06 | Lancey House demolition complete, site now vacant lot. |
1966.10.06 | Margit Photo Studio opens in former Gould & Reilly Store on Main St. (area of pedestrian walkway) |
1966.10.13 | Glen Weaton buys Bijou Theatre. |
1966.10.13 | New Lancey House Hotel development sought. |
1966.10.27 | Junior Miss Pageant to be held October 29, 1966 |
1966.10.27 | Montgomery Ward Co. opens catalog store on Main St. managed by Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Gould (old Gould- Reilly Store, pedestrian walkway area). |
1966.11.03 | Val Stein chosen Key Club Sweetheart. |
1966.11.17 | New teen center opens on 2nd floor of Fabian Soucie’s warehouse on Park Street. |
1966.11.23 | Nancy Christie named Junior Miss for 1967. |
1966.12.08 | New Motor Inn possible for old Lancey House site. |
1966.12.15 | Break at L & H Chevrolet. |
1966.12.22 | Meeting called to study feasibility of two motels in Pittsfield. |
1966.12.22 | Northeast Shoe Co. union on strike. |
1966.12.29 | Byron ‘Bud’ Dow N.C.A.A. ski official at championship meets at Sugarloaf Mountain Ski Area. |
1967.01.12 | five young women from Vickery: Janet Tibbets, Betsy Richardson, Gail Frail, Roxie Soucie, and Cheryl Chandler help with March Of Dimes Campaign in Pittsfield’s downtown. |
1967.01.12 | Florace Ames, Widow of Dr. W. V. Trickey, celebrate 25 years of service to local newspapers (Bangor Daily News, Morning Sentinel, Pittsfield Advertiser, and a Boston Paper). |
1967.01.12 | Guy Susi named director of First National Bank of Pittsfield. |
1967.01.12 | Pittsfield Advertiser changes issue day from Thurs. to Wed. |
1967.01.18 | Dr. R. S. Kleinschmidt designs double chair lift for Salon Mt. ski area, manufactured and assembled by Cianbro Corp. |
1967.01.18 | Joe Buker passes away at age 68. |
1967.01.18 | Town salutes local JC’s. |
1967.02.01 | Alton Cianchette announces for selectman seat. |
1967.02.01 | Library needs studied; study chaired by Sanger M. Cook. |
1967.02.01 | Lionel Kelley to run for seat on Manson Park Committee. |
1967.02.08 | Marion Patee secretary to a military aide to Vice President H. H. Humphrey. |
1967.02.08 | New room at Library announced as Kiwanis project. |
1967.02.08 | Parking meters issue at town meeting. |
1967.02.08 | Sebasticook St. proposed as town way |
1967.02.15 | Pat Inman wins DAR essay contest. |
1967.02.22 | Langdon Andrews honored by Wirthmore Feeds for outstanding service,. |
1967.02.22 | Tekla Farrel announces for town clerk’s post. |
1967.03.01 | Cost of eggs at Newhouse Poultry Farms: jumbo $0.60, x-large $0.48, large $0.45, med.$0.42, small $0.30, crax 3 doz.$1.00 |
1967.03.01 | Northeast Shoe Co. union strike over. |
1967.03.15 | Fiftieth year of Girl Scouting in Pittsfield. |
1967.03.15 | Inland Air Inc. providing Pittsfield-N.Y. flights, Richard Nason, pilot. |
1967.03.15 | Parking meters retired from service. |
1967.04.12 | Urban renewal discussed in Pittsfield. |
1967.04.19 | Leash law passes last town meeting, dogs must be leashed or on owners property. |
1967.04.26 | Bud’s Super Market plans expansion |
1967.04.26 | Plans for motel for Pittsfield discussed. |
1967.05.03 | MCI to host 10th annual Music Festival for Independent Schools. |
1967.05.10 | Two young women saved from drowning at Pittsfield Community Pool. |
1967.05.24 | First Universalist Church celebrates 100 years of service. |
1967.05.24 | Pittsfield Police Chief James Nolan resigns. |
1967.05.31 | Rev. Antonio M. Girardin promoted to pulpit in Millinocket. |
1967.06.14 | Riverside Woolen Mill to reopen. |
1967.06.21 | Call from community to fill in Lancey House Hotel demolition site. |
1967.06.21 | Knox Chicken Farm burns. |
1967.06.21 | Swimming pool construction to be sped up. Pool to open June 26. |
1967.06.28 | Donald C. Ingraham new chief of police for Pittsfield. |
1967.07.05 | Frati Trailer Park on Sebasticook St. opens July 1, 1967. |
1967.07.05 | Stuart Gould, former manager of Lancey House Hotel burned in fire at Waterville Holiday Inn. |
1967.07.05 | Three hundred kids at pool for lessons. |
1967.07.12 | Filter installed at pool, designed by Dr. Kleinschmidt. |
1967.07.12 | First concert in Hathorn Park for 1967 |
1967.07.12 | Fred Raynes new principal at Vickery School. |
1967.07.12 | Rev. Armand Landry new pastor at St. Agnes Church. |
1967.07.12 | Wright’s Dairy sold to Sebasticook Valley Dairy, Inc. |
1967.07.19 | Addition at Manson Park School |
1967.07.19 | Addition in progress at Embers Restaurant |
1967.07.19 | Construction continues at Junior High School |
1967.07.19 | Hitching Post Restaurant being rebuilt after fire damage. |
1967.07.19 | Tastee-Freez adding take out food kitchen |
1967.07.26 | Two local girls assist in helping to probe recent breaks at area businesses. |
1967.08.02 | Nelson Wright, former owner/druggist Wrights Drug Store, Main St., leaves for Alaska permanently. |
1967.08.02 | Quonset hut moves from rear of Bud’s 0.4 mile to Cianbro Plant |
1967.08.02 | Soil experts study ways to end flooding from ‘no-name’ stream (brook running under West St., Somerset Ave., South St., George St. and Henry St.) |
1967.08.09 | Annual Library Lawn Party |
1967.08.09 | Pool swim show set for 8.25 |
1967.08.09 | Tastee-Freez opens new snack bar. Opening day special: hamburger and large french fry $0.50 |
1967.08.09 | Town meeting approves planning funds to update plan of 1959. |
1967.08.16 | Hitching Post Restaurant reopens |
1967.08.16 | New club house being built at Grand View Golf Course (original burned to ground) |
1967.08.16 | Pat Inman has poem published in Golden Magazine. |
1967.08.23 | Pittsfield wins Little League All-Star Tourney. |
1967.08.23 | Wendall Bickford resigns as fire chief, Dennis Hughes named interim fire chief |
1967.08.30 | Advertiser sold out all copies of edition of 08.23.1967 |
1967.08.30 | Lawn party at library deemed success. |
1967.08.30 | School opening delayed to 09.ll.67 |
1967.09.06 | Embers Restaurant opens New Dining Room. |
1967.09.06 | Pizzarena opens under new management (John Curtis, Sr.) |
1967.09.06 | Three school board members resign due to new state law that forbids spouses to have seats on local school boards if spouse works for same school district/school union |
1967.09.13 | MCI opens 102nd year with 499 students. |
1967.09.20 | Name change of local paper announced. Becomes Valley Times |
1967.09.20 | Sanger M. Cook urges use of state funds to encourage local history writing |
1967.09.27 | Bike Safety Essay Contest discussed by Kiwanis Club |
1967.09.27 | New seafood market opens in Pittsfield: Jim’s Seafood, 46 Main St. |
1967.09.27 | Skating rink being built at Pinnacle |
1967.09.27 | Valley Times and Pittsfield Advertiser now one name |
1967.10.11 | Harold’s Restaurant opens for service |
1967.10.11 | Pittsfield Industrial Development Co. will seek SBA funds for motel/restaurant complex corner of Somerset Avenue. |
1967.10.11 | Town may patch Pioneer Dam |
1967.10.14 | J. R. Cianchette Sawmill contents auctioned off |
1967.10.14 | Sebasticook Valley Hospital gets new X-ray equipment |
1967.10.25 | Cianbro Realty buys Albert Fitts property on Somerset Avenue |
1967.10.25 | Library renovation underway, Cianbro to do the work |
1967.10.25 | Northeast Shoe has open house October 28, 1967. |
1967.11.01 | Pittsfield gets AAA plaque for no pedestrian fatalities. |
1967.11.15 | Junior Miss Pageant announced; to be held November 18, 1967: candidates announced. |
1967.11.22 | A. J. Grignon dealer of Evinrude Motors Co. products. |
1967.11.22 | Jean Hammond Pittsfield Junior Miss 1968 |
1967.12.06 | Activity in Forrest Park development. |
1967.12.06 | Charlie Philbrick marries Miss Rae Lane on November 25, 1967 |
1967.12.13 | Cianbro builds new hanger at airport |
1967.12.13 | Fire destroys Wayne Susi home on Nichols St. |
1967.12.13 | MCI Christmas Concert to be held December 14, 1967. |
1967.12.13 | Rooms at library to be dedicated on December 31, 1967 |
1967.12.27 | Buker Room at library to be dedicated December 31, 1967. Work was done by Cianbro at cost. |
1968.01.10 | Cold and drifting snow forces closing of schools in SAD 53, including MCI. |
1968.01.17 | MCI Remains independent due to ruling by State Board of Education. |
1968.02.07 | Former town clerk Inez Severance dies. |
1968.02.07 | Francis Smiley to operate Cornforth’s store |
1968.02.07 | H. L. Cornforth, local merchant dies, |
1968.02.21 | Action on old Lancey House lot announced |
1968.02.21 | Dennis B. Hughes attends course for fire chiefs |
1968.02.21 | German-American Club to be formed. |
1968.02.21 | Harvey Varney runs for vacant post on Manson Park Committee |
1968.02.21 | Ival Cianchette named director of First National Bank |
1968.02.21 | New date for town meeting: 3.15/16.68 |
1968.02.21 | Paul Susi, Jr., runs for selectman |
1968.02.21 | Republicans to caucus 2.26.68 at town hall |
1968.02.21 | Sebasticook Valley Hosp. has 5th anniversary |
1968.02.28 | Larry Savage opens store formerly owned by Stan Fowler and Mr. and Mrs. Poulard, on N. Main St. |
1968.02.28 | MCI ski teams state champions. |
1968.03.06 | Letters to editor refer to MCI/SAD 53 controversy and the Sinclair Act. |
1968.03.06 | Merchants recommend purchase of old Lancey House lot by town for parking lot |
1968.03.06 | Roosevelt Susi seeks re-election to state legislature |
1968.03.13 | Election day for Pittsfield March 15, 1968. |
1968.03.13 | Main St. blocked by freight train problem |
1968.03.13 | Manson Essay Contest to be held at Powers Hall on Campus March 14, 1968 |
1968.03.13 | MCI trustees refuse to meet with 1500 area residents |
1968.03.20 | Fireman’s ball to be held March 30, 1968 at Newport Armory. |
1968.03.20 | Leash law to be strictly enforced |
1968.03.20 | MCI to continue as secondary school |
1968.03.20 | Town meeting defeats parking lot proposal |
1968.03.27 | MCI rifle team defeats Husson College varsity squad. |
1968.04.03 | Bart Douglas retires as library janitor |
1968.04.03 | Easter Parade scheduled for Pittsfield |
1968.04.03 | Harold’s Restaurant sold to new owners |
1968.04.03 | John T. McMann, Sr., distributer for Phillips 66 products. |
1968.04.03 | Robert Hubbard has car go for unscheduled wash job in river beside garage (currently the ex-home of Valley Graphics) |
1968.04.10 | Parking problem editorialized as theatre patrons got tickets while attending show. Bijou theatre pays all parking fines |
1968.04.17 | Church Goods Mfg. announces expansion |
1968.04.17 | National Library Week proclaimed |
1968.04.17 | Valley Times Road Race announced for May 4, 68. |
1968.04.24 | Clean-Up, Paint-Up, Fix-Up Week to be conducted during May |
1968.04.24 | Kiwanis plans 27th anniversary dinner |
1968.04.24 | Legion presents awards on 49th Anniversary |
1968.04.24 | Old Town Garage demolished |
1968.04.24 | Town pool to get filter this summer |
1968.05.01 | Clean-up project gets underway with plans for reconstruction of Hartland Ave. Planned for later in year |
1968.05.01 | Pittsfield Girl Scouts celebrate 25th anniversary. |
1968.05.08 | Clean-up drive for Pittsfield readied for May 11, 1968 |
1968.05.08 | June named Bike Safety Month; rodeo to be held sponsored by Pittsfield Fireman’s Auxiliary |
1968.05.15 | Clean-Up Week under way |
1968.05.15 | Work begins on new filter at pool. |
1968.05.22 | First school play at Manson Park School |
1968.05.29 | Lancey House lot to be filled in and beautified; clean-up campaign extended indefinitely. |
1968.06.05 | Fly-In slated for 6.16.63 at Pittsfield Municipal Airport |
1968.06.12 | Clean-up of Lancey House lot underway |
1968.06.12 | Pittsfield Volunteer Fire Department gets new sign. |
1968.06.26 | Baked stuffed or live boiled lobster special at Embers Restaurant $2.50. |
1968.06.26 | Filling hole on Lancey House lot delayed, equipment unavailable |
1968.06.26 | Lakeview Dairy Newport sold to Footman’s Dairy of Brewer |
1968.06.26 | Manson Park play area attacked by vandals |
1968.07.03 | Call for recreation programs for girls by Valley Times. |
1968.07.10 | Kiwanis Karnival announced for July 10 through 20. |
1968.07.10 | Pittsfield moves to enforce development/buildings ordinance |
1968.07.31 | Church Goods Mfg. (C. M. Almy) breaks ground for expansion. |
1968.08.07 | Local oil companies announce the discontinuance of giving trading stamps for home heating oil. |
1968.08.07 | Sen. Ed Muskie addresses MCI Home Coming (reunion) |
1968.08.07 | Town seeks injunction to close Pioneer Dam |
1968.08.21 | United Stores announce the closing of the Pittsfield store August 22. |
1968.09.11 | Junior high school starts split sessions with senior high school students. |
1968.09.11 | R. H. Reny Store to open in Pittsfield in October in former United Store location |
1968.09.18 | Town office facilities expanded and improved. |
1968.10.02 | Lancey House weather vane atop stables at Earle Friend, Sr., residence |
1968.10.02 | SAD 53 Senior High becomes Warsaw High School. |
1968.10.09 | Reny’s to open Pittsfield store October 10, 1968. |
1968.10.16 | Sesquicentennial plans announced |
1968.10.16 | Warsaw cheer leaders show off uniforms in school colors: green and gold. |
1968.10.23 | MCI Husky Hut opens in MCI home economics room in Cianchette Hall of Science. |
1968.11.06 | Drive to build collections for Maine State Museum announced. Called treasure hunt by director. |
1968.11.20 | Pittsfield Junior Miss Pageant to be held 11.23.1968 at Warsaw gym. |
1968.11.27 | Jan Susi Pittsfield Junior Miss 1969. |
1968.12.11 | Maude Harris at 96 town’s oldest resident. |
1968.12.11 | MCI unveils new microfilm reader/printer |
1969.01.06 | Elton Burkey starts practice in Pittsfield. |
1969.01.06 | Hubbard’ s Garage service station closed. Now temporary home to Hubbard’s Esso (Exxon) Oil (home heating oil dealer). Was in business 40 years. Was bought in 1928 for $5,000 |
1969.01.06 | Jack Lynch president of Kiwanis for 1969 |
1969.01.06 | Mahlon Burner appointed manager of CMP Pittsfield office |
1969.01.06 | Order of Distinction awarded to George Newhouse by Maine Poultry Industry Association |
1969.01.06 | Pittsfield senior citizens group completes first year of service |
1969.01.06 | Warsaw Winter Carnival king and queen candidates announced |
1969.01.15 | MCI announces date for Winter Carnival. |
1969.01.22 | Brik Hamilton receives Eagle Scout award |
1969.01.22 | Maude Harris awarded Boston Post Cane as oldest citizen of Pittsfield |
1969.01.22 | MCI announces Winter Carnival king and queen candidates |
1969.01.29 | Kenneth A. Hughes Insurance Agency opens branch office in Pittsfield |
1969.02.05 | Congregational Church gets new minister, Gene W. Laramy. |
1969.02.05 | MCI annual alumni prize speaking contest date and location announced (February 11, 1969 at Powers Hall) |
1969.02.12 | 15 acres of land returned by legislative act to Hartland on Fuller Corner Rd. Land came to Pittsfield in 1852 by legislative act of Wesley Fuller due to a dispute with town of Hartland. |
1969.02.12 | Hartland Ave. reconstruction contract ready to be signed |
1969.02.12 | SAD 53 school budget proposal published |
1969.02.12 | Warsaw high basketball tourney-bound against Machias |
1969.02.19 | Historical room at library redone by JC’s, budget of $200 set |
1969.02.19 | Madeline Ball resigns as town nurse effective February 28, 1969 |
1969.02.19 | National Boy Scout Week observed |
1969.02.19 | Refreshment stand opens at Warsaw High |
1969.02.19 | Student council formed at MCI. |
1969.03.05 | Kiwanis tryouts for annual talent show set. |
1969.03.05 | Sebasticook Valley Hospital marks seventh year of service to area |
1969.03.05 | Students helping to remove snow from town streets and sidewalks, drifts 8-10 ft |
1969.03.12 | Kenneth Goodwin, chairman, Arey Bryant, and Marilyn Lloyd study plans for sesquicentennial celebration |
1969.03.12 | Warrant for annual town meeting published. |
1969.03.19 | Ed Stanley reelected headmaster at MCI |
1969.03.19 | Lynn Gould named Key Club Sweetheart. |
1969.03.19 | Manson Essay finalists announced |
1969.03.26 | Bijou Theatre to close. Unable to pay increase in taxes from $2,500 to $17,000 |
1969.03.26 | Peaseville populaton 6 made temporarily out of disputed 15 acres of land on Fuller Road pending legislative action |
1969.03.26 | Various ice cream places reopening for season |
1969.04.02 | N. Main St. site undergoes change: McKay’s Barber Shop and Morrison’s Market demolished to make way for more parking. |
1969.04.02 | Official seal for Sesquicentennial published |
1969.04.02 | President Ike Eisenhower visited Pittsfield 14 years ago |
1969.04.09 | Charter presented to Warsaw High Key Club |
1969.04.09 | Dirigo Boys and Girls State delegates named |
1969.04.09 | Sesquicentennial events underway |
1969.04.16 | Sanger M. Cook name to be inserted on plaque at Gettysburg Memorial site |
1969.04.23 | Barney McGowan named director of summer recreation program |
1969.04.30 | Death and burial of Ray Zor announced |
1969.04.30 | Lancey House Hotel hole finally filled in |
1969.05.07 | American Legion celebrates 50 years of service |
1969.05.21 | First Kangaroo Kourt session for Sesquicentennial |
1969.05.21 | Special ‘Help Keep the Bijou Theatre Open’ tickets sold by JCs and Kiwanis. Price: Kids: 12 shows $5.00, adults 6 shows for $5.00 |
1969.05.21 | Toll gate to be set up for Sesquicentennial on bridge near Hubbards Garage |
1969.05.28 | Kiwanis Karnival to be held on Main St. this year only |
1969.06.04 | Sesquicentennial Queen candidates register |
1969.06.11 | Frank Hesdorfer Grand Marshall of Sesquicentennial Parade |
1969.06.11 | Historical room at library ready, to be opened during Sesquicentennial |
1969.06.18 | Maj. General Roy Lundquist to be parade marshall |
1969.06.18 | Sesquicentennial events and celebration continue |
1969.07.09 | Work begins on Cianbro lot near I-95 on Somerset Ave. |
1969.08.06 | Boutelle Savage named president of MCI’s board of trustees, replacing Dr. Harry Rowe who is retiring |
1969.08.06 | High school students return to Warsaw again |
1969.08.20 | Girl Scouts have day camp at Manson Park |
1969.08.20 | S. Bent & Bros. buys J. R. Cianchette and Sons’ property on S. Main (current home of Hancock Lumber Co.) |
1969.08.20 | Trading stamps discontinued at Bud’s |
1969.09.03 | Wilfred Beaton named new administrator at Sebasticook Valley Hospital |
1969.09.10 | Dennis Hughes resigns as fire chief, moves to Louisville, Kentucky; Paul Nichols named Acting Chief |
1969.09.10 | Fitts new motel construction to begin soon |
1969.09.10 | Lancey G. Milliken dies at age 56 |
1969.09.10 | Paul Nichols named acting fire chief |
1969.09.24 | Artists sketch of new motel published |
1969.09.24 | Film making included in English electives at MCI, with use of Sony video equipment |
1969.10.08 | MCI School contract terms proposed |
1969.10.08 | Motel construction to begin week of October 20, 1969 |
1969.10.08 | Plans for urban renewal to be discussed on October 14, 1969 |
1969.10.08 | SAD #53 directors turn down proposed contract with MCI |
1969.10.22 | District and town officials recommend acceptance of MCI contract |
1969.11.05 | Cindy Boyton Pittsfield Junior Miss for 1970 |
1969.11.05 | Miss Pittsfield pageant to be held November 1, 19.69 |
1969.11.05 | Voters favor return to MCI |
1969.11.10 | Birthday week for the USMC |
1969.11.12 | New tow installed at Pinnacle |
1969.11.26 | Ground breaking to be held for Fitt’s new motel |
1969.12.17 | MCI to present new contract to SAD #53 |
1969.12.31 | Pittsfield escapes rain storm damage |
1969.12.31 | Valley Times changes publication date from Wednesday back to Thursday as of January 3, 1970 |
1970.01.08 | Dick Dutting joins Kleinschmidt Consulting Engineers |
1970.01.08 | Dr. Paul Burke, M.D. featured in Sebasticook Valley Hospital newsletter column |
1970.01.08 | Mini-biography on Joe Weinberger |
1970.01.08 | Souci’s Jewelery and Appliance Store now offers repair service for electronics |
1970.01.15 | Anti-drug editorial in Valley Times |
1970.01.15 | Fire levels Wrights Stables horse barns |
1970.01.15 | Hubbard’s Inc. and Staples Oil Co. merge under Webber Oil Company banner 1-13-70 |
1970.01.22 | MCI winter carnival king and queen candidates announced |
1970.01.22 | Voters decide on council form of government |
1970.01.29 | Hunter Friend and Wendy Murdock MCI winter carnival king and queen for 1970 |
1970.01.29 | Tam Cianchette at age 16 solos (first plane flight alone) |
1970.01.29 | Warsaw winter carnival king and queen candidates announced |
1970.02.05 | Craig Dinsmore and Bonnie Grignon king and queen at last Warsaw winter carnival |
1970.02.05 | Local pharmacy changes hands, Richard Berry, Sr., buys out Donald Humphry |
1970.02.05 | MCI prize speaking (freshman and sophomore) competitors announced |
1970.02.05 | Town students return to MCI September 1970 |
1970.02.19 | Dean Grant new operator of Texaco Main St. |
1970.02.19 | Pittsfield Branch of Waterville Savings Bank in works |
1970.02.19 | Pittsfield government and urban renewal discussed at meeting |
1970.02.26 | Roosevelt Susi bids for reelection |
1970.03.05 | Pittsfield Chair Company opens in old Cianchette Building on South Main St. |
1970.03.26 | Honor parts for MCI class of 1970 announced |
1970.03.26 | Merger between First National Bank of Pittsfield and Maine National Bank proposed |
1970.04.09 | New park entrance proposed |
1970.04.09 | Pittsfield ambulance fund started |
1970.04.16 | A. Brian Craig, Jr., buys Hersey Hardware |
1970.04.16 | Connor Block corner North Main and Central Streets demolished |
1970.04.16 | Frati Mobile Home Sales and Service opens just off I-95 |
1970.04.16 | Spring clean-up underway |
1970.04.16 | Waterville Savings Bank [branch] OKed; to be built on former Lancey House Hotel lot |
1970.04.30 | Fire engulfs Main Street; two die in fire (area of current pedestrian walkway, lawyer’s office/bike shop) |
1970.04.30 | Gordon Mobile Homes opens for business on South Main Street |
1970.04.30 | Joe’s Used Cars opens at old Hubbard’s Garage |
1970.05.07 | George A. Moore, former executive vice president and head cashier at First National Bank Pittsfield, passes away |
1970.05.28 | Donald H. Shorey, funeral director/parlor owner, passes away |
1970.06.04 | Warsaw High has last graduation day June 5, 1970 |
1970.06.11 | LaVerdiere’s comes to Pittsfield; to open on Main Street |
1970.06.25 | Grand Army of the Republic Hall torn down by town |
1970.07.09 | King’s Circus comes to town |
1970.07.09 | New softball diamond proposed for Manson Park, park entrance changed (to current configuration) |
1970.07.16 | Circus comes to town July 17, 1970; to be held on Northeast Shoe Company property |
1970.07.16 | Work on new [Manson] park entrance underway |
1970.07.22 | LaVerdiere’s Main Street opens |
1970.07.22 | Pittsfield Dry Cleaners to close doors |
1970.07.30 | Northeast Shoe Company celebrates 20 years in Pittsfield |
1970.07.30 | Sebasticook St. bridge replacement bids to be opened August 5, 1970 |
1970.08.06 | Library lawn party announced for August 31, 1970 |
1970.08.06 | Special town meeting called for August 13, 1970 |
1970.08.13 | New dormitory at MCI to be named for John W. Manson |
1970.08.31 | First National Bank merges with Maine National Bank August 15, 1970 |
1970.08.31 | Fly-In scheduled for July 26, 1970 |
1970.08.31 | Little League all-star tourney starts July 23, 1970 |
1970.08.31 | Old A & P store to get facelift |
1970.09.17 | Pittsfield Chair Company ships first order |
1970.09.17 | Sebasticook St. bridge project under way; work being done by Cianbro |
1970.09.24 | Earle Fletcher cited for forty years of service with A & P stores |
1970.10.01 | Pittsfield gets safety award/citation |
1970.10.08 | Mini-twister does heavy damage in Pittsfield |
1970.10.08 | Pittsfield Fire Department on mutual aid call to Newport fire at Banton Bros. Mill kiln fire |
1970.10.15 | Dr. Tom Pierce comes to Pittsfield and opens practice |
1970.10.15 | Improvement noted at Manson Park |
1970.10.15 | Junior Miss Pageant announced for November 15, 1970 |
1970.11.05 | Dr. Webber celebrates 87th birthday |
1970.11.19 | Ground broken for Pittsfield branch of Waterville Savings Bank |
1970.11.26 | Death of MCI board of trustees president, Boutelle Savage, announced |
1970.12.03 | Booster Club formed at MCI |
1970.12.03 | Grand opening of Craig’s Hardware |
1970.12.03 | Strike begins at Northeast Shoe Company |
1970.12.31 | Harry Coolidge, attorney, dies at age 91 |
1971.01.07 | Humphrey’s Drug Store sign comes down, Berry’s Pharmacy sign goes up |
1971.01.14 | Community Center idea pushed |
1971.01.14 | First town council meeting, sworn in January 11, 1971 |
1971.01.14 | Thieves cut fuel oil tank lines January 9, 1971 at J. R. Cianchette’s Main Street office |
1971.01.21 | Bud Homstead named director of Newport Trust Company bank |
1971.01.21 | First council appointments made |
1971.01.21 | Ival Cianchette home gutted by fire |
1971.01.21 | MCI Winter Carnival get underway |
1971.01.28 | Bob Mathews attains Eagle Scout rank |
1971.01.28 | James Tarr family home burns |
1971.01.28 | Mrs. J. LaGorio retires, closes store, moves to Augusta |
1971.02.04 | Lettie (Mrs. Jerome) Gould passes away |
1971.02.04 | Prize Speaking candidates announced |
1971.02.04 | Steve Barden earns wings at age 16 |
1971.02.11 | Community Center idea pushed |
1971.02.11 | Sabins TV and Appliance closes doors of Pittsfield store 02.20.1971; sale announced |
1971.02.11 | Town budget hearing set for 02.25.1971 |
1971.02.18 | Ambulance service begun in Pittsfield |
1971.02.18 | Storage shed at Savage’s Market burns |
1971.03.04 | Teens begin Community Center survey project |
1971.03.11 | Waterville Savings Bank construction begun |
1971.03.25 | Pittsfield American Legion Post celebrates 52nd anniversary |
1971.04.01 | Effie Vroom retires as bookkeeper at First National Bank of Pittsfield |
1971.04.01 | Solid and liquid waste disposal issue discussed at public meeting |
1971.04.01 | Youth Corps to form |
1971.04.08 | Charles Casey resigns as superintendent of SAD #53 schools |
1971.04.15 | Artifacts of Col. Morrill on Display at library during National Library Week |
1971.04.15 | Open house at retail outlet of Agway |
1971.04.22 | MCI announces Honor Parts for 102nd commencement exercises for June 6, 1971 |
1971.04.29 | South Main Street Market opens, Marion Wright owner/operator |
1971.05.06 | Joe Girard named manager for Waterville Savings Bank, Pittsfield branch |
1971.05.06 | Waterville Savings Bank opening set for 05.17.1971 |
1971.05.06 | Weather clock for Waterville Savings Bank added to Main Street |
1971.05.13 | New ambulance and attendants announced by Sebasticook Valley Hospital |
1971.05.20 | Manson Park prepares for lighting |
1971.05.20 | Waterville Savings Bank now open for business |
1971.06.10 | A & P Store closes doors for good June 12, 1971 |
1971.06.10 | Hathorn Park gets sign to mark entrance |
1971.06.17 | Diving board installed at pool |
1971.06.24 | Swimming lessons begin June 25, 1971 |
1971.07.01 | James H. Sylvester hired as probationary policeman |
1971.07.01 | Thrifty Store sold |
1971.07.15 | Hunnewell Avenue Apartments open for rent; hold open house |
1971.07.22 | Barbara Call retires as keeper of the ledgers at Pittsfield cemetery and Call Monument Works |
1971.07.22 | Dr. Vincent Gallucci new superintendent of SAD #53 schools |
1971.07.22 | Jack Bremer new principal at Warsaw Junior High |
1971.07.29 | Auction to be held at St. Martins Church August 7, 1971 |
1971.07.29 | Kiwanis Karnival opens |
1971.08.05 | Council votes to buy Pioneer Dam |
1971.08.05 | Gloria Friend dies in auto accident |
1971.08.05 | Lights on and working at Manson Park |
1971.08.12 | Agnes Kierstead receives Pittsfield’s Boston Post Cane |
1971.09.02 | Dr. Merlon A. Webber passes away |
1971.09.02 | Marie T. Bradford passes away |
1971.09.02 | Vandals destroy park property |
1971.09.02 | William Griffin retires from Maine National Bank |
1971.09.30 | A & P Building in use by Brian Craig for display of paneling and general storage |
1971.09.30 | Fire in house corner of Cross and Nichols Streets, eight people evacuated |
1971.10.07 | Don Ingraham resigns as police chief |
1971.10.14 | MCI in Kennebec Valley Athletic Conference in Sports |
1971.10.14 | Vandalism at JC clubhouse |
1971.10.21 | More vandalism at Manson Park |
1971.10.28 | House burns on Summer Street |
1971.11.18 | Parking meters removed |
1971.12.09 | Ed Stanley retires as headmaster at MCI |
1971.12.16 | Arts Club marks 35th anniversary |
1972.01.13 | Library displays Civil War and other papers |
1972.01.13 | Lights to be installed at Pittsfield I-95 interchange |
1972.01.28 | Furniture Exchange burns. Fire starts 1:00 p.m. on 2nd floor. Built 1892 by John N. Martin |
1972.02.24 | Carriage Inn to be leased to Andre Garfield |
1972.02.24 | Grignon’s Sports Shop broken into, thieves take $2,000 worth of merchandise |
1972.03.02 | Break at Montgomery Ward store |
1972.03.02 | Universal gym added to MCI gym, purchased by MCI Sports Boosters |
1972.03.09 | Design for new Municipal Building revealed |
1972.03.09 | Theater lobby gets new paint job done by MCI Key Club |
1972.03.23 | Urban Renewal Plan for downtown Pittsfield unveiled |
1972.03.30 | Death of Rev. C. N. Vickery announced |
1972.04.06 | Valley Times newspaper and Pittsfield Publishers sold to Cianbro Corporation |
1972.04.13 | Improved lighting on Main Street plans announced |
1972.06.11 | New Carriage Inn opens |
1972.06.15 | A. I. Murray named new headmaster at MCI |
1972.06.15 | Ed Stanley attends last graduation as headmaster of MCI as he retires to do other things |
1972.06.15 | Memorial to J. W. Manson planned for Mary Ann Lancey Manson Park |
1972.06.22 | Fred Stafford retires as postmaster for Pittsfield |
1972.07.13 | New bleachers installed at big softball diamond in Manson Park |
1972.08.17 | Henry Staples retires from Staples Oil Co. |
1972.08.31 | Frati announces intent to build major complex off I-95 in Pittsfield. |
1972.09.07 | Town garage burns, damp sewer chemicals believed cause. |
1972.10.19 | Candidates for Pittsfield Junior Miss Pageant announced |
1972.10.26 | Memorial to J. W. Manson dedicated |
1972.12.21 | More discussion held on design of new Municipal Building |
1973.01.04 | Ralph L. Cianchette, founder of Cianbro Corp., passes away |
1973.01.11 | Pittsfield police department gets radar set |
1973.02.01 | More discussion held on design for new Municipal Building |
1973.02.15 | Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence A. Dysart retire from Dysart’s store on Main St. They owned the store for 36 years. |
1973.03.01 | Chemical plant fire, insides gutted. (Was located where Cianbro Building is now) |
1973.03.01 | Kirk Dahlgren attains Eagle Scout status |
1973.03.01 | Ronello Brown retires as assistant postmaster of Pittsfield |
1973.04.05 | More leaks in roof at Union Hall, town employees ask for row boats and sea pay |
1973.05.03 | Discussion of plans and announcement of Central Maine Egg Festival |
1973.06.07 | Gladys Shorey retires from Manson Park School hot lunch program |
1973.06.21 | More discussion on new Municipal Building |
1973.06.21 | Ruth Susi declared dead after body recovered from Sebasticook River off Peltoma Bridge, Missing since 4.29.1973 |
1973.06.24 | New park entrance discussed |
1973.06.24 | Pool readies for summer opening |
1973.07.05 | Egg Festival Corporation formed, first Egg Festival to be held August 25, 1973 |
1973.07.26 | Egg Festival plans firmed up |
1973.07.26 | Largest fry pan (10′ 1″ diameter) displayed |
1973.07.26 | Lawrence’s Flower Shop closes, sold to Rev. Earl Thaler |
1973.07.26 | Program for Egg Festival announced |
1973.08.02 | Chairs stolen from Pittsfield Chair Factory recovered |
1973.08.09 | Stanley Houston appointed chief of Pittsfield Police |
1973.08.16 | Chalmers St. store sold to Gary Jordan |
1973.08.16 | Earl H. Booker new town manager |
1973.08.16 | Largest fry pan arrives in Portland |
1973.08.16 | Newhouse “Egg City” open golf tourney announced for August 22/23, 1973 |
1973.08.23 | Air show for Egg Festival planned |
1973.08.23 | Lights go up at Manson Park for Egg Festival |
1973.08.30 | Egg Festival deemed success |
1973.09.27 | Arey C. Bryant named officer in charge of Pittsfield Post Office (acting postmaster) |
1973.10.04 | Council gets option on Chandler Building on S. Main |
1973.10.11 | Earle N. Vickery retires as member of the board of directors of Maine National Bank |
1973.10.11 | Manson Park receives gift of 4 acres of land from Mr. and Mrs. Ronello Brown |
1973.10.25 | Craig Hardware & Plumbing announces relocation to Somerset Plaza |
1973.10.25 | More talk on new Municipal Building |
1973.11.00 | Arey C. Bryant named new post master for Pittsfield |
1973.11.01 | JC club house on N. Main St. burns; structure gutted |
1973.11.01 | Move of municipal offices to S. Main St. proposed by council |
1973.11.06 | Damage done to MCI home economics room in Cianchette Hall of Science from auto accident |
1973.12.20 | Town prepares for moving of municipal offices to S. Main St. |
1973.12.28 | Awards presented to MCI’s undefeated class ‘D’ football team |
1974.01.04 | Death of Eleanor Wilkins, former Library Trustee announced |
1974.01.04 | Resurrection of Main St. discussed |
1974.01.04 | Thefts announced at area businesses and rewards for information on same offered by area police departments; places hit include: Alba’s Tire and Walpole Woodworkers in Detroit and seven breaks at pittsfield homes |
1974.01.04 | Tom Wright, president of the Maine JC’s, meets with President Richard M. Nixon |
1974.01.10 | Drugs in Pittsfield discussed in a front page article in the Valley Times newspaper |
1974.01.10 | Questionnaires sent to Pittsfield Residents asking people to rate Pittsfield as part of Community Betterment Program |
1974.01.10 | School board shuffles opening/closing times for schools in S.A.D. #53, now set for January 14, 1974. |
1974.01.10 | Sen. Ed Muskie visits Pittsfield, lunches with area businessmen at Carriage Inn Restaurant |
1974.01.10 | Tax Assessor Herbert Hanson resigns post |
1974.01.17 | Death of Francis (Chub) Smiley former clerk/owner of Cornforth’s Men’s Clothing store announced |
1974.01.17 | Maynard Dahlgren announces price hike for haircuts |
1974.01.17 | Pinnacle Ski Area discussed as a draft ordinance is approved to make the area a town park |
1974.01.17 | Val Sinclair appointed assistant manager at Waterville Savings Bank (Now People’s Heritage Bank) Pittsfield branch |
1974.01.24 | Marie Bradford School vandalized for third time. |
1974.01.24 | MCI Winter Carnival time under way. Theme: Circus |
1974.01.24 | Town takes over maintenance of new skating rink at Pinnacle |
1974.01.31 | Bids for renovation of the new Town Offices/Municipal Building opened, winning bid of $3,889 by Susi Construction Co |
1974.01.31 | Bob Mathews and Elaine Berry named king and queen of MCI Winter Carnival |
1974.01.31 | Craig Hardware announces sale prior to move to new quarters |
1974.01.31 | Plans for JC’s Walkathon for April 28, 1974 discussed |
1974.01.31 | Sample of questionnaire on rating Pittsfield published in Valley Times |
1974.01.31 | Top Gas station located between Bud’s and Waterville Savings Bank on Hunnewell Ave. closes |
1974.02.07 | Kiwanis and town officials discuss Manson Park Pool. Kiwanis to fund raise for the pool, seeking $13,000 in cash and in-kind donations |
1974.02.14 | First donation to pool fund made by A. Brian Craig |
1974.02.14 | Thieves hit Pittsfield Tractor Co. for $1,700 worth of goods |
1974.02.14 | Two-page spread in Valley Times honoring MCI football as class “D” co-champs and photos of team members receiving jackets from MCI Sports Boosters |
1974.02.14 | Valley Times runs series on rental housing in Pittsfield |
1974.02.14 | Valley Times running total of donations to pool fund called “Dollars Make it Deeper” |
1974.02.21 | Union (Town) Hall to close May 11, 1974, lodges to relocate at that time |
1974.02.28 | Pittsfield Public Library applies for Regional Library status under law passed by 106th legislature |
1974.02.28 | Two new businesses open on Main Street: Somerset TV and Caruso’s Lunch |
1974.03.07 | Pittsfield opens new Municipal Building on South Main St. near Pittsfield Bowling Center. |
1974.03.14 | Challenge issued to general manager of the Somerset Reporter by general manager of Pittsfield’s Valley Times with reference to the Bike Tour. Tour route O.K. with the State Police |
1974.03.14 | First Annual Pittsfield to Skowhegan Bike Tour announced. Proceeds to benefit Pool Fund |
1974.03.14 | Frank Sanborn makes eagle rank in Boy Scouts |
1974.03.14 | Increase in employment at Northeast Shoe Co, announced – expect to hire 75 to 100 new people |
1974.03.21 | Derailment on Main St, March 15, 1974 for 5½ hours. Four cars out of 27 derail, blocking Main St. and Detroit Ave. crossings |
1974.03.21 | Pool Fund now at $4,000 |
1974.03.28 | Editorial in Valley Times suggests that this is enough money for the construction work to be put out to bid |
1974.03.28 | Pool Fund now at $5,200 |
1974.04.04 | Benefit supper at MCI cafeteria to benefit the Pool Fund |
1974.04.04 | Close out sale at Cornforth’s Men’s Clothing Store announced |
1974.04.04 | Paul E. Susi, Jr., named acting town manager |
1974.04.04 | Town Manager Earl Booker resigns |
1974.04.11 | Lawrence’s Bridal Shop opens at Apt. 21A at the Carriage Inn |
1974.04.11 | Pool Fund now at $7,329.64 |
1974.04.18 | Comedy letter to Egg Festival committee from Dr. Dale Ball, Director of Michigan Dept. of Agriculture, replied to by Dr. John Dow of Pittsfield |
1974.04.18 | Herbert Hanson reappointed tax assessor |
1974.04.18 | Pool Fund: $7,429.64 |
1974.04.18 | Reapportionment ordered by State of Maine |
1974.04.18 | The play Charlie Brown to be presented by MCI Drama Club |
1974.04.25 | Pittsfield to Skowhegan Bike Race set for May 5, 1974. |
1974.05.02 | Maine National Bank and Manson Park vandalized |
1974.05.02 | Pool Fund: $8,470.25 |
1974.05.02 | Solid waste regulations to end dump problems. |
1974.05.09 | Craig Hardware having relocation sale |
1974.05.09 | Picnic table and other items stolen from Manson Park recovered |
1974.05.09 | Pittsfield to Skowhegan bike race winners and times announced: Won by R.S. Thompson of Athens; 2nd place, Allen Foxwell, Skowhegan; 3rd place, Ron Spiegal, Burnham. Youngest finisher: Alden Strong 2 hrs. 20 min. Oldest finisher, Archie Russakoff, 53, of Skowhegan |
1974.05.09 | Pool Fund: $8,941.50 |
1974.05.09 | Schools to close June 11, 1974 |
1974.05.09 | William M. Lunt, Jr., new town manager for Pittsfield |
1974.05.16 | Garden Club having annual plant sale at old railroad station on Central St. (now the museum) |
1974.05.16 | Pool Fund: $9,886.06 |
1974.05.23 | Boys’ and Girls’ State candidates announced |
1974.05.23 | Candy Stripers recognized for volunteer service to Sebasticook Valley Hospital |
1974.05.23 | Pool fund: $10,515.59 |
1974.05.23 | Wading pool given by Pittsfield JC’s to town to replace the old one that was falling apart |
1974.05.23 | Youth employment program suggested by Ron Spiegal, guidance counselor at Warsaw Junior High turned down by town council |
1974.05.30 | Bijou Theatre ticket prices: all seats $1.50 |
1974.05.30 | Pool Fund:$10,840.59 |
1974.05.30 | Spring Clean-Up time announced. |
1974.05.30 | Stanley Huston resigns as chief of Pittsfield Police Department |
1974.05.30 | Warsaw Junior High French class takes trip to Quebec |
1974.05.30 | Youth League schedule announced. |
1974.06.06 | Brownie/Girl Scout Fly-Up ceremony held at Hathorn Park |
1974.06.06 | Flying Lessons offered at airport by Drake Aviation Inc. Introductory lesson $5.00 |
1974.06.06 | Joint Warsaw Junior High and Vickery School Band concert held |
1974.06.06 | Pool Fund: $11,125.51 |
1974.06.13 | Death of Roy U. Sinclair announced |
1974.06.13 | Pool fund: $ 11,209.01 |
1974.06.13 | Wading pool near completion |
1974.06.20 | Date announced for Egg Festival: 07.27.1974 |
1974.06.20 | Editorial on fate of old railroad station (now a museum) |
1974.06.20 | James C. Gurney appointed chief of Pittsfield Police Department. |
1974.06.20 | Pool Fund: $ 11,359.01 |
1974.06.20 | Work begun on main pool |
1974.06.27 | Craig Home Center opens in new location (Somerset Plaza) on this date |
1974.06.27 | Dial-A-Job program opens in Pittsfield |
1974.06.27 | Donkey baseball/softball game, Newport vs. Pittsfield at Manson Park: Pittsfield wins 8-6 |
1974.06.27 | Wading pool completed and opened for use. Dedicated to the children of Pittsfield by the Pittsfield JC’s. |
1974.06.27 | Warsaw Senior High School alumni called to come forward for a planned reunion |
1974.07.03 | Rural letter carriers have conference in Pittsfield |
1974.07.11 | Egg Festival schedule released |
1974.07.18 | Manson Park Pool closed due to contamination of the pool; wading pool not affected |
1974.07.18 | Town and lodges agree on buyout terms at old Union Hall |
1974.07.25 | Egg Festival activities begin; fifteen candidates for princess |
1974.08.01 | 12,000 – 15,000 people estimated to have come to Egg Festival |
1974.08.01 | Dr. Forrest Muir, Large Egg Judge, holds winning egg from Stockton Springs, ME |
1974.08.01 | Kiwanis Karnival huge success |
1974.08.01 | MCI reunion set for August 5, 1974 |
1974.08.01 | Rachel Eads crowned Egg Festival princess |
1974.08.01 | Two arrested for break at Sunoco Gas Station (now Exxon) Jully 30, 1974 took $109.50 in goods |
1974.08.08 | JC’s call for revamp of Pittsfield Recreation Committee |
1974.08.08 | Marker unveiled on MCI Campus. Main Campus now called Boutelle Savage Campus |
1974.08.15 | Burnham begins Sesquicentennial activities. |
1974.08.22 | Egg City Open Golf Tourney canceled |
1974.08.22 | Library lawn party set for August 28, 1974 |
1974.08.22 | Pool closes for season after annual water show on August 25, 1974 |
1974.08.22 | Warsaw Senior High School Reunion set for August 24, 1974 |
1974.08.29 | Fire destroys warehouse of Pittsfield Woolen Yarns Co. |
1974.09.05 | East side of Main St. called cancerous due to condition of the buildings on that side of the street |
1974.09.05 | Punt, Pass, and Kick competition sponsored by Ford Motor Company announced for October 5, 1974 at Manson Park on the MCI football field |
1974.09.12 | Warsaw Junior High starts football program |
1974.09.19 | JC wives begin organizing for push on parks and recreation question |
1974.09.19 | Parks and Recreation ordinance killed April 2. JC’s may try for referendum on the question |
1974.10.03 | Hen house fire, loss of $50,000 at farm of Clyde Barden, a contract grower of hens for DeCosta Egg Farms. |
1974.10.10 | Ground breaking for a new lodge hall off Hamilton Drive |
1974.10.10 | Library has LP Records for loan |
1974.10.10 | Republican campaign headquarters on Main St. Pittsfield opened. |
1974.10.10 | Water main leak (a week old) in area of Grove Hill repaired |
1974.10.17 | New Howe Fire truck arrives in town; being held from service until all firemen complete training on the new unit |
1974.10.24 | Bijou Theatre showing Juggernaut; all seats $1.75 |
1974.10.24 | Key Club from MCI works to prepare for Bi-Centennial Project on the Better Homes Building |
1974.10.24 | Sebasticook Valley Hospital now an accredited hospital |
1974.10.31 | Bill and Val Varney take over Western Auto store October 1, 1974 |
1974.10.31 | MCI Huskies football team defeats Boothbay Regional High School 8-0. Wins class ‘D’ championship; finish with 5-0 record |
1974.10.31 | MCI varsity field hockey team champions with record, of December 2, 2 |
1974.10.31 | More vandalism at Manson Park |
1974.11.07 | Rev. and Mrs. Albert Perry come to Pittsfield. Rev. Perry takes over pulpit at Universalist Church |
1974.11.14 | Plans to Convert old Union Hall to new fire station discussed, prices range from $80,000 – $68,500 |
1974.11.27 | Town receives award for Maine Community Betterment Program |
1974.12.05 | Athenaeum Club to begin work on old Maine Central Railroad passenger station (now the museum) |
1974.12.05 | Maine National Bank to offer gold bars for sale retail on December 31, 1974 as it becomes legal for citizens to once again hold private ownership of gold |
1974.12.12 | Hearing to be held December 17, 1974 on JC’s parks and recreation proposal at Municipal Building |
1974.12.12 | MCI Key Club to sell Christmas trees |
1974.12.12 | SAD #53 approves and announces new bus policy |
1974.12.12 | Santa to arrive by helicopter December 21, 1974 |
1974.12.12 | Special election to be held January 25, 1975 |
1974.12.12 | Union Hall now empty, awaiting wreckers’ ball |
1974.12.19 | Council tables parks proposal |
1974.12.31 | Carriage Inn bought again |
1974.12.31 | Sale of gold to John Q. Citizen begins today |
1975.01.09 | Breaks discovered at homes on Hunnewell Ave., net taken: $882; also breaks at four local Businesses: Lehr Agency, Pittsfield Publishers, Grant’s Texaco, and Pittsfield Motor Sales |
1975.01.09 | Materials from old Union Hall salvaged by Cianbro Corporation |
1975.01.16 | Sea plane base approved by town council |
1975.01.23 | Alumni prize speaking contest announced for February 4, 1975 |
1975.01.23 | MCI king and queen candidates for Winter Carnival announced |
1975.01.23 | New lodges open for business |
1975.01.30 | Barn on Nichols Street burns |
1975.01.30 | Special Bicentennial license plates available at Pittsfield Public Library for $6.25 with $1.00 going to library. |
1975.02.20 | MCI basketball team in tourneys at Bangor |
1975.02.27 | Small water main break on Hunnewell Ave. repaired |
1975.03.20 | Council sets hearing on new recreation board for April 2, 1975 |
1975.03.27 | Bijou Theatre to close March 31, 1975 |
1975.03.27 | Community Theatre a possibility. Last movie is the Man With the Golden Gun (James Bond) |
1975.03.27 | Fire at Maine Fence Company |
1975.03.27 | Kite flying contest announced for April 26, 1975 by Pittsfield Kiwanis Club |
1975.04.02 | Senator E. S. Muskie visits Pittsfield again; was here before with President Eisenhower |
1975.04.03 | Carriage Inn to open April 7, 1975 |
1975.04.03 | Theatre meeting set for April 10, 1975 |
1975.04.17 | Council kills new recreation board proposal |
1975.04.17 | William Springer named volunteer managing director of Community Theatre |
1975.04.24 | Annual JC Walkathon set for April 27, 1975 |
1975.04.24 | Old fire alarm boxes being sold by town. |
1975.05.08 | Work begins inside and outside on Pittsfield Community Theatre and work continues on revamped Town Office Building |
1975.05.15 | Break at Bud’s Red & White (Shop & Save) discovered |
1975.05.15 | Delegates to Boys’ and Girls’ State from MCI announced |
1975.05.15 | MCI announces new student council, first in 2 years |
1975.05.15 | Sportsman show planned for May 31 and June 1, 1975 at Peltoma Fish and Game Building |
1975.05.22 | Pittsfield Community Theatre plans to open June 2, 1975 through August 1975 |
1975.06.12 | New fire station nearing completion |
1975.06.12 | Pittsfield Grange plans open house |
1975.06.12 | Teresa Jaffrey named managing director of Pittsfield Community Theatre |
1975.06.26 | Embers restaurant closes under Mercier Family June 29, 1975 |
1975.06.26 | Maine Fence Co. granted loan for rebuilding |
1975.07.03 | Plans for Egg Festival and Kiwanis Karnival set for July 24 through July 26, 1975 |
1975.07.24 | Open House for Fire Department/Station set for July 27, 1975 |
1975.07.24 | Pittsfield bicentennial group gets banner no. 100 to fly at post office through mid-l977 |
1975.08.14 | Unity Raceway gets NASCAR sanction |
1975.08.28 | Older rural cemeteries get cleaned up |
1975.09.11 | Fly-In at Pittsfield Municipal Airport. Featured at show is a 1951 Steerman C-3R biplane |
1975.09.25 | Break in water main on Grove Hill repaired |
1975.10.09 | Industrial park proposal set for hearing October 21, 1975 |
1975.10.16 | More vandalism at Manson Park |
1975.10.27 | William Lunt resigns as town manager |
1975.10.30 | Seldon Martin appointed acting town manager; search for new town manager begins |
1975.11.20 | Legion in new post home on Middle Street |
1975.11.26 | Plans for revamping Main Street brought into open |
1975.12.11 | Arts Club offers #2 in series of commemorative tiles. This one of Lancey House Hotel. #1 was Union Hall |
1975.12.11 | Fire damages home on corner of Hartland Avenue and Llewellyn Street |
1976.01.15 | Tommy Wright elected mayor; J. K. Wright elected deputy mayor |
1976.01.29 | Bicentennial flag presented to MCI by Nancy Fendler, a senior at MCI |
1976.01.29 | Brent Wakefield fired as highway foreman |
1976.01.29 | Pipes freeze and break at Warsaw |
1976.01.29 | Tony Fredrick hired as highway foreman |
1976.02.05 | Seldon Martin named permanent town manager |
1976.02.13 | MCI boys in tourney again |
1976.02.13 | Mel’s Sport Center burns |
1976.02.19 | MCI vs John Baptist in semifinals. |
1976.02.26 | MCI vs. John Baptist, MCI win 57-41 |
1976.02.26 | MCI vs. Schenck loss: MCI out of tourney. |
1976.03.04 | Headmaster Robinson on the job in MCI’s Founder’s Hall. |
1976.03.18 | Good Box shoe box factory comes to Pittsfield. To locate in space leased from Northeast (now SAS) Shoe Company on Waverly Avenue |
1976.04.01 | April Fool’s joke for ‘76: $6 million dollar motel (12 story) Marina Complex to be built along Mill Pond on Park Street |
1976.04.08 | Pittsfield town council rejects right to know order. |
1976.04.29 | Representative Roosevelt T. Susi announces quest for reelection to Maine House District #92 |
1976.05.06 | Chuck Cianchette candidate for Maine Senate. |
1976.05.13 | New cedar mill at Don Bishop’s nearing completion. |
1976.05.13 | Pat Emerson of Townsend, MA, chosen by Library Trustees to succeed Bessie B. Libby as librarian at Pittsfield Public Library. |
1976.05.27 | Bob Mathews named director at pool |
1976.05.27 | Hathorn Park bandstand to be used this summer for concerts |
1976.06.17 | Bessie B. Libby opens summer reading program for last time. Served the public for 25 years. |
1976.06.24 | Bessie B. Libby given retirement party, was sixth librarian in building’s history |
1976.07.15 | New office for credit union opened on Sebasticook Street |
1976.07.15 | Park Committee gives adult Softball players a priority over Youth Center games on same diamonds in Manson Park. Youth games move to field across from Warsaw Junior High |
1976.07.15 | Pat Emerson takes over as seventh librarian at Pittsfield Public Library. |
1976.07.22 | Ritchie’s Pizza moves from North Main Street near the river to a new building on South Main Street near the bowling alley |
1976.08.02 | Teresa Jaffrey leaving post as director of Pittsfield Community Theatre. |
1976.09.09 | Headmaster Robinson resigns for personal reasons |
1976.09.09 | Railroad station tile #3 in series still available, completes the set of three tiles offered: (#1Union Hall, #2 Lancey House Hotel). |
1976.09.09 | Two MCI trustees become interim headmasters |
1976.09.23 | Church Goods begins expansion construction |
1976.09.23 | Phillip Richards, ex-headmaster of Fryeburg Academy, named interim headmaster at MCI |
1976.09.30 | New Egg Festival officers named |
1976.10.07 | Ground breaking for Pittsfield Industrial Park held |
1976.10.07 | Patti Stevens new director of Pittsfield Community Theatre |
1976.10.21 | Athenaeum Club to begin work on railroad station shortly. |
1976.10.21 | Grant’s Texaco closes |
1976.10.21 | Pittsfield to be site of satellite YMCA |
1976.10.21 | Pittsfield town council refuses CBS coverage of election predictions using our voting area |
1976.11.11 | Newhouse Egg City erects grain mill. |
1976.11.18 | Background information of Pinnacle Park published |
1976.11.18 | Face lift at former Maine Central Railroad depot gets underway |
1976.11.24 | Harry True named new headmaster at MCI |
1976.12.16 | Patti Stevens resigns as director of Pittsfield Community Theatre |
1977.01.20 | New sign at Library points out library hours. |
1977.01.27 | Busing contract signed for SAD #53 for term of 5 years with Raymond Bus Service |
1977.02.03 | Selden Martin resigns as town manager for Pittsfield |
1977.02.17 | Scott Fitts new patrol sergeant for Pittsfield Police Dept. |
1977.03.24 | New town manager hired; name to be announced at later date. |
1977.03.24 | Satellite YMCA holds meeting; interest high. |
1977.03.31 | New town manager is Richard Plante, an administrator from Wellfleet, MA. |
1977.04.28 | Arts Club donates clock to library in name of former trustee Elinor Wilkins who passed away recently |
1977.05.12 | Helen Burch retires from library assistant’s job after 10 years |
1977.05.12 | Plans for Park Street project unveiled. |
1977.05.19 | Town holds hearings on acquiring the former Bijou Theatre |
1977.05.26 | Bud Dow president of Depot House, Inc. |
1977.05.26 | Garden Club uses retired Maine Central Railroad Station for plant sale. |
1977.05.26 | YMCA finds home in same old Maine Central Railroad passenger station. |
1977.06.09 | Chet Madore did work on window at the depot. |
1977.06.09 | Town of Pittsfield buys theatre for $24,000. |
1977.06.23 | Council approves appointment of combined Youth Center director and Town Recreation director, takes in all town summer programs except arts and crafts which were handled by the YMCA. This was the suggestion of Town Manager Plante. |
1977.07.07 | Spencer Havey confirmed as new police chief for Pittsfield after serving as acting chief since Chief Gurney resigned. |
1977.08.04 | Fitts Tire Company to move to new industrial Park near I-95. |
1977.09.01 | Dr. William Cunningham opens dental office in his parent’s home at 112 S. Main St. across from MCI |
1977.09.08 | Old Texaco gas station on Main Street torn down. |
1977.09.26 | Lancey House garage to be torn down. |
1977.10.20 | YMCA move from depot to winter quarters to be announced |
1977.10.27 | YMCA moves to winter quarters at Bennet Hall on the second floor on Park Street |
1977.11.17 | Bids accepted for new town office; to be built by Narramissic Engineering Co., Inc. of Bridgewater, MA. Cost $421,000. |
1977.12.08 | Bridge for snowmobiles over Sebasticook river built by Drift Busters Snowmobile Club |
1977.12.08 | Death of Bessie B. Libby, former librarian at Pittsfield for 25 year announced. |
1977.12.22 | Life long resident of Pittsfield, Earle N. Vickery, Age 91 passes away. |
1977.12.22 | Susanna Ventura hired as new theatre manager |
1978.01.05 | Bottle deposit law goes into effect (January 1, 1978) |
1978.01.12 | Windstorm damage reported in Pittsfield along with power outages and minor flooding from hurricane-like conditions |
1978.02.02 | Carriage Inn to be sold at auction. |
1978.02.09 | Carriage Inn sold at auction for $225,000; buyer unknown. |
1978.03.09 | Construction begins on Parkview Apts. for the elderly |
1978.03.23 | Pat Emmerson resigns from Pittsfield Public Library. |
1978.05.04 | Carriage Inn opens for business under new owner |
1978.05.04 | Earl Bulley’s death announced; drove taxi in Pittsfield for 16 years |
1978.06.08 | JC’s open hot dog stand on corner of Main and Easy Streets on Friday 4:30 – 8:00 P.M. |
1978.06.08 | JC’s work on Hathorn Park Bandstand that is in need of repair; |
1978.06.08 | Letter informs town of Pittsfield that the retired MCRR passenger station is nominated for the National Register of Historic Places. |
1978.06.08 | MCI baseball coach/teacher David Mosher retires |
1978.06.29 | Sandra Jarmak of Augusta to be new librarian at Pittsfield Public Library as of 08.1978 |
1978.07.06 | Alder Run Kennel opens |
1978.07.20 | Frank Raye at 99 years old is Pittsfield’s oldest citizen. |
1978.08.03 | Joseph Herman Shoe Co. opens in the old A & P Building on Main Street |
1978.08.03 | Parkview Apts. open for public inspection. |
1978.08.24 | Addition for Truth Tabernacle Church to be dedicated |
1978.09.04 | Richard Ingraham manager of Radio Shack franchise located in the Fitts Tire Company Building at the Industrial Park. |
1978.09.07 | Fire destroys interior of Western Auto Store on Main Street, cause not determined. |
1978.09.21 | Municipal quit claim deed issued to MCI for properties on east side of Main Street Map 38, lot 25 traded for municipal quit claim deed on property west of I-95 Map 8, lot 46 and property off Hartland Ave. and Waverley Ave. described as map 8 lot 86 and remove from tax list properties described as Map 8 Lots 46, 86, 47, and 47A (Valley Times September 21, 1978 p.10) |
1978.09.21 | Sandra Jarmak on duty as of September 5, 1978 as new librarian at Pittsfield Public Library |
1978.09.21 | Work being done on library roof. |
1978.09.26 | Stride-Rite Division of Joseph Herman Shoe Company to build plant in the Industrial Park. |
1978.10.05 | Citgo gas station under new management. Ray Whitney, the former owner, turns keys of building over to Charles and Rae Philbrick, the new owners. |
1978.10.05 | MCI football has new scoreboard in Manson Park over by wading pool |
1978.10.12 | Water situation critical! Pumping from the Sebasticook River to a temporary holding pond created by the well on Peltoma Ave. |
1978.11.02 | Work progressing on Stride-Rite plant in the Industrial Park. |
1978.11.09 | MCI Alumni Office moves to Bryant House from Founders Hall. |
1978.11.16 | Ski sale to be held at the old MCRR passenger station |
1978.11.16 | Western Auto reopens |
1978.11.22 | MCI Key Club works on the ski jump at the Pinnacle |
1979.01.11 | Town employees move town government again. This time back to town center in new town hall on Park Street |
1979.01.25 | Pinnacle Hut to be remodeled as a memorial to the late Byron ‘Bud’ Dow (Valley Times pp 1 and 4) |
1979.02.01 | Pinnacle expansion response Valley Times, p. 10. |
1979.02.15 | Stride-Rite moves into their new building in the Industrial Park. |
1979.03.15 | Mayor Vigue resigns due to change in job status; moving to Maryland In April |
1979.04.15 | Open house for new Municipal Building |
1979.05.03 | Headmaster True resigns at MCI and returns to Fryburg Academy |
1979.05.10 | Old Town Office Building and contents to be sold by sealed bids May 12, 1979 |
1979.05.31 | Slogan for Pittsfield’s Urban Renewal Project: Pittsfield: sunny side up! |
1979.06.07 | Barney’s opens in West Pittsfield on Shores of Sibley Pond, owned by Barney and Ann McGowan. |
1979.06.07 | Plans shown for the ‘new’ east side of Main St. by Somerset Group |
1979.06.21 | Cable TV franchise to be decided on soon. |
1979.06.28 | New glass doors put on Library to complete renovation to lobby area which includes opening of the dome area |
1979.06.28 | YMCA reopens Saturday for the summer at the old Maine Central Railroad passenger depot |
1979.07.12 | Better Cable TV awarded franchise |
1979.08.02 | Richard Walker, former site coordinator of UMO Teacher Corps, will assume duties as headmaster of MCI |
1979.08.09 | U Dag Grant approved urban renewal of Pittsfield Main Street to begin in Spring of 1980 |
1979.08.13 | Hobby horses (wooden/ fiberglass merry-go-round type horses on heavy springs) installed at playground in Hathorn Park |
1979.08.13 | Manson Park to replace an old wooden merry go round that was destroyed in a snowmobile accident some time ago |
1979.08.23 | Bank of Maine N.A. to locate in Pittsfield, location to be announced |
1979.08.23 | Greg Faulkner is Little League homerun king, hitting most homeruns, including three in one game. |
1979.08.23 | Susanna Ventura to resign as theatre manager. Will stay until end of September |
1979.09.04 | Water report issued to council by Richard Dutting of K & D. |
1979.09.13 | Wreckers ball starts work on east side of Main Street 09.28.1979. |
1979.09.27 | Spire goes onto Congregational Church on Park Street |
1979.10.04 | Demolition of Pizzarena Building first to come down |
1979.10.04 | Mike Grey joins Lehr Insurance Agency. |
1979.10.04 | Richard Susi named new assistant manager at Fitts Tire/Radio Shack Department |
1979.10.25 | IGA Supermarket set to open 10.30.1979 in Somerset Plaza |
1979.10.25 | Pinky’s Floral Shop opens in plaza 12.01.1979 |
1979.12.06 | Gerry Cowan appointed theatre director |
1979.12.06 | New Ambulance to arrive next week |
1980.01.03 | New window blinds purchased for the library by the Arts Club and installed by the Curtain Shop in Waterville |
1980.01.24 | Conservation measures go into effect at MCI |
1980.01.31 | Bank of Maine, N.A. opens temporary office on Central Street, near the Legion Hall |
1980.02.14 | Bank of Maine, N.A. to open in permanent location March 3, 1980 |
1980.03.13 | Retired Maine Central Railroad passenger depot now on National Historic Register of Places (Valley Times p.1) |
1980.03.20 | LaVerdiere’s opens store #2 in Somerset Plaza, Pittsfield. |
1980.04.24 | Wright’s Drug Store demolished. |
1980.05.08 | Bike-a-thon underway, 15 miles to be pedaled for St. Jude’s Hospital. |
1980.05.08 | Council accepts K & D report datedAugust 1979 |
1980.05.15 | J. R. Cianchette passes away; owned at one time the theatre, the Lancey House, and Pittsfield Advertiser Co.; built Dow Air Force Base (now known as Bangor International Airport); Pittsfield Airport, and the access road to Loring AFB during World War II |
1980.11.13 | Founders Hall at MCI named to National Register of Historic Places |
1980.11.13 | MCI wins class B soccer championship |
1980.11.20 | Cable TV installation proceeding |
1980.11.20 | Valley Times moved into new quarters and are settling in |
1980.11.26 | Mark Cianchette to reopen Carriage Inn. |
1980.12.11 | T. J.’s Sportswear now open for business as of December 8, 1980 |
1980.12.18 | Ben Franklin store coming to Pittsfield at the Plaza soon |
1981.01.08 | Doug Wright reelected mayor of Pittsfield |
1981.01.08 | Jasper Wyman elected deputy mayor |
1981.01.15 | Warsaw Junior High School gets new wrestling mat |
1981.01.22 | Maynard Dalgren retires from barber shop, sells business to Ashley Parker. |
1981.01.22 | Mike Quigley elected to fill Mr. Demer’s seat |
1981.01.22 | Old Valley Times/Pittsfield Advertiser Building (circa 1800) to be torn down |
1981.01.22 | Pat McGowan elected to State House of Representatives |
1981.01.22 | Ron Rice resigns from council along with Councilman John Demer |
1981.01.22 | Special election to be held to fill Mr. Rice’s seat |
1981.01.29 | Dr. Flint C. Reid comes to Pittsfield to replace retiring Dr. Robert Parker, O.D. on April 1,1981 |
1981.02.05 | Carriage Inn to reopen under a Mr. Shapiro |
1981.02.19 | Tookie Russell retires as girls’ basketball coach at MCI, after 22 years |
1981.03.05 | Dedication of Bud Dow Room at Pinnacle to be held |
1981.03.19 | Sandi Jarmak certified as librarian by Maine Library Association |
1981.03.19 | Sebasticook Valley Hospital to produce an annual report to communities on services and financial bottom line |
1981.03.19 | Steve Salley wins special election to fill vacant council seat |
1981.03.21 | Ollie Faulkner new pool director for summer ’81. |
1981.03.26 | Dedication of Bud Dow Room at Pinnacle held |
1981.03.26 | Fire truck purchase on hold |
1981.03.26 | Mayor Doug Wright resigns effective March 24, 1981 |
1981.03.26 | Special election to be held to fill mayoral vacancy |
1981.04.02 | Richard P. Berry, Jr., joins family profession and business |
1981.04.02 | Rusty refuse hauled from Mill Pond |
1981.04.09 | Request by council for extra $16,000 needed on new fire truck voted down. New Truck not to exceed $60,000 |
1981.04.30 | Ben Franklin Store to open May 7, 1981 |
1981.04.30 | Trailer park on Sebasticook Street closed |
1981.05.07 | Embers Restaurant to be sold May 15, 1981 |
1981.05.14 | Ben Franklin Store now open |
1981.05.14 | Certificate now replaces Boston Post Cane which was not returned to the Town of Pittsfield after the last holder passed away |
1981.05.21 | Lehr Insurance Agency moving to new quarters |
1981.05.28 | Lehr Building (the old one) to move to Skowhegan near Skowhegan Fire Station |
1981.06.18 | Greg Wright takes seat on council following special election. |
1981.06.18 | Steps being taken to oust current town manager |
1981.06.25 | Former Embers Restaurant reopens as Dominick’s, Elaine Caron, Manager |
1981.06.25 | Housing project on Sebasticook Street begins construction |
1981.07.02 | Tennis Courts in Manson Park open for business, dedication to take place July 2, 1981 at 7p.m. |
1981.07.30 | Deputy Town Manager Steve Grant also resigned at once in view of preliminary Council Resolution 81-20, Removal of Town Manager |
1981.07.30 | Egg Festival #9 over and deemed successful. |
1981.07.30 | Town Manager Richard Plante resigns. |
1981.08.06 | Leonard Dow, Pittsfield’s Development Officer, appointed acting town manager and acting tax collector |
1981.08.06 | Linda Gustafson named new library director. |
1981.08.20 | Eight people said to be interested in the town manager’s position. |
1981.09.03 | Radio Shack moves out of Fitts Tire Company and into the Somerset Plaza. |
1981.09.17 | Fred Wilmeth appointed Town Manager to Start September 21, 1981 |
1981.10.01 | Deaths of Dominick F. Susi and son Guy Susi are announced. |
1981.10.22 | Death of C. G. Beattie, owner of C. G. Beattie & Son noted |
1981.12.31 | Plans for renovation of Weymouth Hall at MCI announced. Work to be done by Cianbro Corp. in Spring of ’82 |
1981.12.31 | Town Manager Wilmeth resigns to accept post in Australia |
1982.01.28 | Plans for new gym at MCI announced |
1982.02.25 | Shirley Hanson, Pittsfield town clerk, now acting town manager and acting tax collector |
1982.03.18 | Eugene Moyers appointed town manager; to begin duties March 22, 1982 |
1982.04.01 | Carriage Inn (again) reopens under new management |
1982.04.01 | Valley Times/Pittsfield Advertiser turns 100 years old |
1982.04.08 | Tastee-Freeze under new owner: Nancy McGinnis |
1982.04.15 | Asa E. Ladd, 94, retires from gun smithing (began here in 1909), a job of 36 years |
1982.04.22 | History of the building known as the Grammar School and 3 N. Lancey Street documented by Trudy Humphrey (Valley Times pp.1 and 11) |
1982.06.03 | Pittsfield Town Council ponders future of the Pittsfield Historical Society |
1982.07.15 | Renovations of Weymouth Hall At MCI underway |
1982.10.07 | Weymouth Hall renovations completed; building to be dedicated October 19, 1982. |
1982.10.14 | Pittsfield town dump given reprieve from closing on September 15. |
1982.10.21 | Death of Anthony Cirillo, attorney at law, announced |
1982.10.21 | Formal Rededication of Weymouth Hall held |
1982.10.21 | MCI had marching band and color guard that played at football games |
1982.10.21 | Pinnacle Ski club to have annual clean-up and pot luck supper |
1982.10.21 | Town of Pittsfield signs contract with Tim Sample to do mural at Pittsfield Public Library |
1982.10.28 | Racquet ball comes to Plaza Fitness Center at Somerset Plaza |
1982.11.04. | American Legion Post #32 changes name to Burns W. Knowlton, Jr., Post #32. |
1982.11.04. | Water conservation urged |
1982.11.18 | Postmaster William Bolger visits town |
1982.12.02 | Gayle Elias of Benton chosen new Egg Festival queen. Queen chosen in July did not meet qualifications and was disqualified. |
1982.12.04 | Tim Sample working on mural in library dome |
1982.12.09 | Transfer station for solid waste disposal officially opens |
1983.01.13 | Jane Woodruff sworn in as new Mayor of Pittsfield, first woman mayor in Pittsfield’s history |
1983.01.13 | MCI to offer wrestling on the high school level for first time |
1983.01.27 | Official unveiling of library mural set for February 5, 1983 at 1 p.m. |
1983.01.27 | Sebasticook Valley Hospital awarded full accreditation. |
1983.02.10 | Plans for new gym at MCI unveiled. |
1983.03.03 | Western Auto Building divided: front half is now a law office and the rear half is Western Auto Store. |
1983.03.10 | LaVerdiere’s closing downtown Pittsfield store |
1983.03.17 | Sebasticook Valley Hospital observes 20th birthday |
1983.03.31 | Pittsfield Public Library increases user fees: Fines for reference material is $0.25 per book per day, non resident fee $5.00/year (Resident is defined as S.A.D. #53), Room Reservation $20.00 |
1983.03.31 | V.I.P. Auto Center (store) comes to Pittsfield; opens on Main Street in old LaVerdiere’s Drug Store location (corner of Main St. and central Streets). |
1983.04.21 | Historical room artifacts from library transferred to new Depot House Museum, Inc. by members of MCI.’s Key Club |
1983.04.28 | Library now on National Historic Register of Places |
1983.04.28 | Minor flooding of river noted. Manson Park temporarily renamed Manson Lake (Note this was a warning of what was to come in April of 1987.) |
1983.05.05 | Craig Home Center sold to Emery Waterhouse Company |
1983.05.05 | Friends of the Library Group formed |
1983.05.05 | Shirley Hanson retiring from town office in June of 1983. |
1983.05.05 | Town Manager Gene Moyers resigns. |
1983.05.05 | V.I.P. auto center opens |
1983.05.19 | Kiwanis Club works on pool for second week. |
1983.05.26 | Pittsfield Historical Society sets grand opening date for new town museum for June 4, 1983. |
1983.05.26 | Vietnam Veterans Memorial to be established at Pittsfield Village Cemetery |
1983.06.02 | Flea Market Day Saturday |
1983.06.02 | Plants placed in window boxes at museum by Garden Club. |
1983.06.09 | Artist’s conception of new MCI gym unveiled |
1983.06.09 | Pool to open June 20, 1983 and close August 13, 1983, Mrs. Lee LeRoy, Pool Director |
1983.06.09 | Shirley Hanson appointed assistant town manager until either a new town manager is hired or an interim town manager is appointed |
1983.06.09 | Town Manager Moyers resigns |
1983.06.16 | Earle Stevens appointed interim town manager |
1983.06.16 | Grammar School closes for the summer and forever as town consolidates grades in other schools; building to be sold by district |
1983.06.16 | Pool painted by Kiwanis members and the children |
1983.06.23 | Eric Thompson elected governor at Boys’ State. |
1983.07.21 | New teen (13-16 years old) female softball league formed. Competes in P.V.C.-South |
1983.07.28 | D. Dwight Dougherty, Jr., named new town manager |
1983.08.18 | Formation of MCI Hall of Fame announced |
1983.08.18 | Marie Pennock hired as new town clerk |
1983.09.01 | Plans for Kiwanis auction and advertisement for articles to be given to Kiwanis for auction noted. |
1983.09.29 | Tuesday Club celebrates 90 years of service and fellowship to Pittsfield |
1983.10.13 | Plans for old Grammar School up in air. School board takes no action at this time |
1983.10.20 | MCI in class B soccer playoff’s. |
1983.11.03 | Meet the Council Candidates featured in local paper |
1983.11.10 | Northeast Shoe Co. closing in December |
1983.11.10 | Tookie Russell honored for 25 years of service as field hockey coach (was also basketball and softball coach as well as athletic director at MCI |
1983.11.17 | Budget tax plan endorsed by town council |
1983.12.22 | Land record for distance broken in category of archery as a 4′ arrow shot from a catapult went 457′ on first try, and 533′ on second try. All happened in Manson Park. |
1984.01.19 | Ski lessons and races start at Pinnacle. |
1984.01.26 | Fingerprinting clinic held for children as part of Child Find Program that locates lost or missing children. |
1984.02.09 | Grammar School offered to Town of Pittsfield. |
1984.03.01 | San Antonio Shoe Co. coming to Pittsfield. |
1984.03.22 | Late P.R. for Pinnacle Ski Club Supper for adult members of the club |
1984.03.29 | Headmaster Walker resigns from MCI |
1984.04.12 | Maine Gas moves to plaza as part of Home Entertainment Center |
1984.05.17 | Central Maine Paving opens for business |
1984.05.24 | Ralph Baxter new headmaster at MCI |
1984.05.24 | Sebasticook Valley Dairy begins selling Oakhurst Dairy Milk Products instead of own in-house brand of milk products. |
1984.05.31 | Rev. Albert Q. Perry retires from First Universalist Church for health reasons |
1984.06.07 | Boy Scout camporee that was to be held in Manson Park canceled due to rain |
1984.06.07 | Local group has plans for old Grammar School |
1984.06.21 | Council O.K.’s sale of Grammar School to private group |
1984.06.21 | Pool opens for season. |
1984.06.28 | Paul W. Burke, M.D. of Newport passes away. Was charter member of the medical staff at Sebasticook Valley Hospital |
1984.07.12 | Headmaster Baxter assumes office |
1984.07.12 | O. Ames Mill in Palmyra to rebuild after a major fire. |
1984.07.19 | MCI Alumni Office returned to Founders Hall |
1984.07.26 | Egg Festival underway |
1984.08.09 | MCI reunion deemed successful again. |
1984.08.16 | MCI undertakes improvement project. |
1984.08.23 | Pool closes after successful season. |
1984.09.06 | Attempted murder/suicide on Nichols Street |
1984.09.06 | Renovations begin at Grammar School |
1984.09.13 | Joseph Hermon Shoe Company closes doors for good |
1984.09.13 | Second (in one year) attempted murder/suicide, this time on Hartland Avenue |
1984.09.20 | Attorney Alfred P. Bachrach moves to Somerset Avenue in old Elias storefront. |
1984.10.04 | Water system concerns raised |
1984.10.11 | Park Street Market owned by Dave and Sue Mercier now called Mill Pond Market |
1984.10.11 | Pittsfield to host Boy Scout camporee |
1984.10.18 | MCI football team disbanded, reasons given are training violations and accidental ineligibility cited |
1984.10.25 | Sebasticook Valley Hospital ambulance bombed by a pumpkin on a run with a patient aboard. |
1984.11.08 | Hancock Lumber Co. to buy old chair factory |
1984.11.15 | Elks begin to organize in Pittsfield |
1984.11.15 | Hancock Lumber Company to seek grant for purchase of old chair factory |
1984.11.21 | Credit Union expands building |
1984.11.21 | Open house held at 3 North Lancey Street (old Grammar School) |
1984.11.21 | Stride-Rite Shoe announces closing of the Hermon Shoe Co. factory |
1984.12.06 | Comprehensive plan adopted by Town of Pittsfield. |
1984.12.20 | Renovations begin at Carriage Inn |
1984.12.20 | Robert Williams joins Maine State Police |
1985.01.10 | Better Cable TV to close Pittsfield office |
1985.01.17 | Dysart’s and Varney’s Western Auto closing for good |
1985.01.24 | Carol and Marland Soucy move from Maine Gas Building on Hartland Ave. to Home Entertainment Center (Radio Shack) in the Somerset Plaza |
1985.02.13 | Valley Times newspaper announces price increase to $0.30 effective February 21, 1985. |
1985.03.14 | New ownership/management of Valley Times newspaper and Royal Printing Co.(former parent company of the Valley Times) announced. |
1985.03.21 | Lifeline program goes active in Pittsfield |
1985.04.03 | Maine Central Railroad right of way discussed. Proposal by the railroad turned down as too expensive. Lack of deeds to property affected by right of way (Most was taken is eminent domain proceedings many years ago. Original owners of property either moved away or have passed away and advertising for heirs and assigns in every newspaper in the U.S.A. deemed too expensive. Town tells current owners of adjacent property that town will issue municipal quit claim deeds to the property in question, but, owners will have to negotiate with the railroad.) given as reasons |
1985.04.03 | Town awarded grant for Hancock Lumber Co. |
1985.04.10 | Welby Drug Store opens in Newport Plaza in Newport. |
1985.04.24 | Summit ash and Norway columnar maple trees planted along Main Street by Gordon Construction Co. |
1985.05.01 | MCI unbeaten in softball |
1985.05.01 | Search underway for Egg Festival Scholarship Pageant contestants |
1985.05.09 | Council recommends more parking restrictions |
1985.05.09 | Largest fireworks show planned for Egg Festival |
1985.05.09 | Northeast Travel opens office at 3 N. Lancey Street |
1985.05.09 | Town of Pittsfield in good financial shape |
1985.05.16 | Pittsfield Cycle Shop opens; William Varney owner/operator. |
1985.05.30 | $20,000 damage done to Wood Briar motel |
1985.05.30 | Arey C. Bryant leaves postmaster’s job in Pittsfield for similar position in Rockland. |
1985.06.06 | Ryan Fendler second Life Member of Pittsfield Historical Society. |
1985.06.06 | Wood Briar reopens as a retirement resort |
1985.06.13 | Hancock Lumber Co. announces that it is coming to Pittsfield in near future. |
1985.06.27 | Pool being hot topped, sealed and painted. Also new filter system being put in, according to Dennis Glidden, Pool Director |
1985.08.01 | T. J.’s Sportswear featured in an article on Terry and Jan McGowan, owners/operators. |
1985.08.22 | Linda Gustafson leaves Pittsfield Public Library. |
1985.08.29 | William C. Mann takes over at Pittsfield post office as postmaster. |
1985.09.12 | Progress coming on building of a McDonald’s Restaurant in Newport. |
1985.09.19 | Carol C. Nicholson takes helm as new librarian at Pittsfield Public Library effective September 16, 1985. |
1985.11.21 | Construction begins on water tank on the Phillips Corner Road |
1985.11.21 | Redman Pet Care opens in Pittsfield at old Newhouse Egg City site. |
1985.11.27 | Fire destroys barn on Ell Hill and American Legion post home on Middle St. |
1985.12.03 | Montgomery Ward catalog store closes doors forever. |
1985.12.18 | Ground breaking held for new gym at MCI. |
1985.12.18 | McDonald’s announces grand opening at Newport restaurant December 21, 1985. |
1985.12.31 | MCI band plays at McDonald’s grand opening. |
1986.01.08 | Wood Briar closes, cites vacancies and overhead as reasons. |
1986.01.15 | Pittsfield fire department hurting in area of equipment with only two vehicles available for use; new fire truck on order. |
1986.02.12 | Sebasticook Valley Hospital lays off 21 staff members, money (cash flow) cited as reason. |
1986.03.12 | Fire at the Wood Briar Retirement Center under investigation by fire marshall’s office. |
1986.03.19 | Newport News to merge with Valley Times. |
1986.03.26 | Dr. Ernest W. Stein, M.D. retires from practice |
1986.03.26 | New fire truck approved, cost $100,646. |
1986.03.26 | Pinnacle fund group has fund raiser at theatre. |
1986.04.02 | Construction underway on new Legion home. |
1986.04.02 | Headmaster Baxter resigns effective 6.27.86. |
1986.04.16 | Berry’s Pharmacy bought out by Welby’s Drug Stores, Div. of Hannaford Bros. grocery chain of Portland, Maine. |
1986.04.30 | Dominicks reopens. Was Embers Restaurant under Dave Mercier. |
1986.05.07 | Screen at old Mid-Way drive-in theater torn down, end of an era. |
1986.06.04 | Doug Cummings hired as new headmaster to replace Ralph Baxter, who resigned. |
1986.06.25 | David Mosher, head of math department, varsity baseball coach, faculty supervisor of winter carnival retires |
1986.06.25 | Pool has to be refilled after break in water main allows pool to become contaminated with rusty water. |
1986.06.25 | Retired Maine Central Railroad caboose No. 582-R arrives in Pittsfield (first spotted on tracks down behind old Staples Oil Co., area of Mid State Gas Co. Later respotted on old spur siding for old Wirthmore feed store (Better Homes Building). Later moved by crane and channel iron to current location beside Museum.) |
1986.06.25 | Sharon K. Mack becomes editor of Valley Times |
1986.07.23 | Wood Briar fire ruled arson by fire marshall’s office; not enough evidence to provide an arrest. |
1986.07.30 | P.O.P. (Popular Opera of Pittsfield) visits with their version of Pirates of Penzance. |
1986.08.06 | Homstead family donates $15,000 to MCI Gym Fund. |
1986.08.06 | Shorette’s Diner, Rt. 100 at the triangle in Newport, closes after 28 years of service. |
1986.08.13 | Pittsfield police department’s new cruiser totaled in accident on I-95 while assisting State police with road block duty. |
1986.08.27 | Wrights Emporium burns. Deemed accidental. |
1986.10.08 | Buttermilk Dounut Shop opens in old Fitt’s Tire/Montgomery Ward Building on Middle St. |
1986.11.12 | Home Entertainment Center (Radio Shack) sold to Albert and Elaine Hadley. |
1986.11.26 | Wood Briar remains to be torn down. |
1986.11.26 | Wright’s Emporium back in business. |
1986.12.10 | T.J.’s Sportswear expands at Pittsfield location. |
1987.01.07 | Flint C. Reid restores 1880’s Mansion at #1 Main St., Pittsfield. |
1987.01.14 | Two big snowstorms hit Mid-Maine area during weekend of January 9/10, 1987 |
1987.02.23 | Welby’s Drug Store Pittsfield to close soon. Economics cited as factor (actual reason was that Pittsfield store was drawing customers away from Newport store that just opened.) |
1987.03.18 | Valley Times suspends publication with issue of March 18, 1987. Paper folds after 100 years of service to Pittsfield and Sebasticook Valley area. Paper sold to Eastern Gazette of Dexter, Maine subscribers will get copies of Dexter paper as balance of their subscription. |
1996.05.01 | Snakeroot Organic Farm began when Tom Roberts and Lois Labbe move to Pittsfield. |
1997.07.01 | Pittsfield Farmers’ Market begun at Hathorn Park by Snakeroot Organic Farm. |
1997-04-24 | Shoddy Mill on Detroit Ave. burns. Began life as Smith’s Woolen Mill in early 1900s. |
2001.12.14 | Pittsfield Bowling Center destroyed by fire. |
2007.00.00 | Insource Renewables solar installation company opens |
2009.00.00 | Library extension completed |
2009.07.11 | Frank B. “Bud” Homstead passed away July 11, 2009, just short of his 94th birthday. He was born July 23, 1915 |
2012.00.00 | Depot roof replaced |
2016.00.00 | Waterville Savings Bank sells to Bangor Savings Bank (year estimated) |
2017.00.00 | People’s United Bank sells to Bar Harbor Bank |
2019.00.00 | Outland Brewery opens at 113 North Lancey. |
2019.00.00 | Aegir’s Den Brewer opens at 113 North Lancey. |
2019.00.00 | Depot remodeled. |
2019.09.08 | Maine Cheese Festival moves to Pittsfield’s Manson Park for one day event in September. |
2019.00.00 | Insource Renewables transfers to employee ownership |
2019.00.00 | Northern Light Health purchases Sebasticook Valley Hospital (year estimated) |
2020.03.01 | COVID-19 declared a worldwide pandemic, and most activities are closed or curtailed. |
2020.06.01 | Waverly Mill demolished |
2020.00.00 | Puritan Opens first location in Pioneer Mill |
2020.00.00 | Unitarian Universalist Church renames to Unitarian Universalist Meeting House |
2020.12.01 | Pittsfield Community Theater closes |
2021.00.00 | Insource Renewables purchased by ReVision Energy of Montville, another employee-owned business |
2022.00.00 | Bud’s sold to Danforths of Hampden renamed Danforth’s |
2023.00.00 | Unitarian Universalist Meeting House congregation decides to sell building |
2023.08.01 | Reny’s moves from Main St. to building previously occupied by Rite Aid/Walgreens on Somerset Ave., in mid-summer. |
2023.09.25 | New Town Manager Jacob Gran, replaces Kathryn Ruth who had been in the position since c. 2002. |
Many thanks to Don Hallenbeck of the Pittsfield Historical Society for the many hours required
to put together this document of Pittsfield’s Important Dates up to 1987.
Original Version: 8-Mar-2005