List of Pittsfield Churches
Pittsfield Historical Society’s
History of Pittsfield
List of Pittsfield Churches

HELP US! This page is a work in progress. If you know of any church, or their email address or website that is not listed here, or the history of any church, contact the historical society with the new information and we’ll add it to this list.
St. Agnes Catholic Church
50 Detroit Ave, Pittsfield ME 04967
The First Congregational Church in Pittsfield of the United Church of Christ
Mailing Address: PO Box 423, Pittsfield, ME 04967
First Baptist Church
111 South Main Street, Pittsfield, ME 04967
(207) 487-5075
Church of the Nazarene
Location: Central St.
Mailing Address: 200 Central St., Pittsfield, ME 04967
Calvary Baptist Church & Parsonage
Grove Hill, Pittsfield, ME 04967
(207) 487-5569
Solid Rock Church of God
122 Manson Street, Pittsfield, ME 04967
(207) 487-5016
Pittsfield Church of Christ
Philips Corner Road, Pittsfield, ME 04967
(207) 487-3017
Deeper Life Assembly of God
Weeks Road
Mailing Address: PO Box 331, Pittsfield, ME 04967
House of Prayer
Kingdom Hall of Jehovah’s Witnesses
Witnesses Kingdom Hall, Elmwood Park
Route 100-11, Pittsfield, ME 04967
(207) 943-2360
First Universalist Church
6 Easy Street, Pittsfield, ME 04967
(207) 487-5861
Original Version: 10-Jan-07