D. Lewis Allen. 1907 newspaper photo. |
Dr. E. C. Bryant. 1907 newspaper photo. Photo of office in 1876. Photo of house in 1907.
Sanger Mills Cook, circa 1950. Sanger Cook, an insurance agent in town, was the author of the book Pittsfield on the Sebasticook. Class of 1921 graduate of Bowdoin College.
Arthur Dewey holding daughter Kathleen in 1944. Lancey House is in background.
See the William Dobson page.
Byron “Bud” Dow. See the Bud Dow page. More than any other person, Bud Dow was responsible for the existence of the Pinnacle Ski Club, and the transformation of Park’s Pinnacle into the ski slope it is today.
Thomas N. Drake, M.D., a practicing physician of Pittsfield, was born in Centre Effingham, N.H., May 14, 1858, son of Cyrus K. and Lucinda M. (Morse) Drake. The father, also born in Centre Effingham, ran a hotel and a stage route in his earlier years. Having spent the greater part of his life in Effingham, he died in Lynn, Mass., in September, 1893. His wife, Lucinda, who was also a native of New Hampshire, died in 1870. Their children were: Alexander M., Isabelle, Olin M., Tina, Orrin Edward, and Thomas N. Alexander M., who resides in Pittsfield, is engaged in the tobacco and cigar business. Isabelle, now deceased, was the wife of A. P. Topliff, M.D., of Deering, Me. Olin M. is a physician in Boston. Tina died in childhood. Orrin Edward, who resides at Freedom, N. H., is engaged in the manufacture of clothing.
Thomas N. Drake received his college training at Ellsworth, Me., and in 1882 entered the Hahnemann Medical College at Philadelphia. After studying there for about two years, he graduated with honors in 1884. Going then to Presque Isle, Me., he began the practice of medicine, and for ten months remained in that place. Coming to Pittsfield in 1885, he started in practice here, and for five years gave his full attention to his professional duties. In 1890 he became interested in the Hathorn Stock Farm, upon which are bred fast racing horses, and managed that for the five succeeding years. He still holds a half-interest in this place, and owns other valuable property in this town and in Ellsworth, Me. Resuming the practice of his profession in 1895, he has since been engaged in that, and is at present recognized as a skillful and reliable physician and surgeon. He is strictly homeopathic in treatment. The Doctor’s office hours are from eight to nine in the morning, from one to four in the afternoon, and from six to eight in the evening. He also deals somewhat in real estate. In 1889 Dr. Drake was united in marriage with Mrs. Florence K. Thompson, of Pittsfield, daughter of G. Hathorn, of this town. She having died in 1891, he was married in December, 1892, to Vinnie F. Haskell, daughter of O. S. and Louise Haskell, of this town. The Doctor by this marriage has one child, Dorothy, born September 13, 1894. In politics he is a Republican, and never fails to vote for his party’s candidates. At the present time he is the secretary of the Board of Health of this town. Fraternally, he is a member of Phlentoma Lodge, No. 51, Independent Order of Odd Fellows; and of Pioneer Lodge, Knights of Pythias, of Pittsfield. [Handwritten annotation: also a member of Masonic Lodge].
From The Biographical Review published in Boston, MA by the Biographical Review Publishing Company in 1898. This article is contained in Volume XXIX.
Contract being signed for Edward’s Co. High resolution photo.
William Griffin, Pittsfield music teacher and Director of the Pittsfield Town Band in 1949. The gazebo in Hathorn Park is dedicated to him. He was honored in 1985 for being Pittsfield’s oldest Boy Scout Troupe leader.
Dr. Genevieve Gustin. 1907 newspaper photo. See her ad in A. J. Loder’s 1907 Souvenir of Pittsfield, ME Page 9. Married William Sweetland June 25, 1908 in Lewiston.
 Going Hathorn
Going Hathorn, 1806–1875. See Going Hathorn Page. |
Nathaniel Mervin Haskell. Born September 27, 1912, he was a native of Pittsfield where his father, Lewis O. Haskell, was owner and publisher of the Pittsfield Advertiser.
Both his parents died when he was two years old and his sister, Amelia, and her husband, Van M. Stevens of Pittsfield, moved him and their young daughter, Patricia (Cunningham), to Portland where he grew up as a member of their family, became an Eagle Scout and graduated from Deering High School.
Determined to be a lawyer, he graduated from the Peabody Law School in 1934 and was admitted to the bar in March of the next year. For the remainder of his life, he maintained a law office at 97 Exchange Street in Portland.
In 1943, Haskell, a Republican, was elected to the Maine House of Representatives, reelected in 1945, 1947 and 1949 when he served as Speaker of the House. Elected to the Maine Senate in 1951, he was reelected in 1953 and in that same year elected President of the Senate.
Haskell served as President for the regular session only, resigning to accept the appointment as Probate Judge of Cumberland County. He died on February 8, 1983, in Portland.
See more at Wikipedia, to learn why Haskell served as the 62nd Governor of Maine for just 25 hours starting at 10:00 a.m. on January 6, 1953.
This profile was updated in 2023 by Mr. Haskell’s grand-nephew, Bill Cuningham, who knew him as “Uncle Nat”.
Orin Shepley Haskell, a member of the Maine Press Association, who died in Pittsfield, Oct. 7, 1910, was born Jan. 15. 1836, in Chandlersville, now Detroit. He was a direct descendant of William Haskell, who was born in England in 1617, (migrated to New England in 1637, and settled in a part of Salem, now Beverly. Mass. He was the oldest son of John and Winnefred (Genn) Haskell.
He passed his boyhood days in that section, attended the public schools, and in vacations clerked in the village store. When he reached his majority, hew went to Salem, Mass., where he remained for several years; then to Iowa, where he engaged in business, returning to Maine in the early 1860s.
At the outbreak of the Civil War, Mr. Haskell enlisted in Co A, First Maine Cavalry, and joined the regiment at Augusta in early autumn of 1861. He was with the regiment in its march through the South, participating in all its battles. He was three times promoted, from quartermaster sergeant to second and first lieutenant; to 1st lieutenant on September 3, 1864. Returning to the old Pine Tree State, he was mustered out with his command at Augusta in August 1865.
Shortly after the close of the Civil War, Mr. Haskell went to Pittsfield, where he became the private secretary and confidential adviser of the Hon. Going Hathorn; at Mr. Hathorn’s death, he carried on the business of the large estate as co-executor with Mr. Foss.
In politics he was always a staunch Republican. He served the town and county in various positions of public trust. He was a member of the board of selectmen, town clerk, tax collector, and member of the Board of Assessors of the Village Corporation. In 1883 he represented Somerset County in the State Senate as Eastern Senator.
In 1882, Mr. Haskell associated himself with his elder son, Charles B. Haskell, and established The Pittsfield Advertiser. He joined the Maine Press Association in 1888. He was a member of Phlentoma Lodge, I.O.O.F., Sebasticook Encampment and Pioneer Lodge, K. of P., Meridian Lodge, F. & A. M., Ira Berry Chapter, Royal Arch Masons, De Molay Commandery, Knights Templar, of Skowhegan, and Bethlehem Chapter, Order of Eastern Star. He was a charter member and first commander of the GAR Stephen Davis Post #11.
Mr. Haskell was married three times. His first wife was Miss Harriet M. Shepley of Levant, who died in 1867. He married for his second wife, Miss L. Louise Mitchell, of Freeport, who died in 1891. His third wife was Miss Katherine Colcord, formerly of Portland, who survives him. Of his seven children, six are now living, of whom two are members of the Press Association.
During his association with Mr. Hathorn, and later during the long time of his administration of this extensive property, he was closely identified with the establishment and development of many of the industries of the town, which have grown to much larger proportions in later years. He was a factor in the earnest efforts of Mr. Hathorn in making possible the establishment of Maine Central Institute in Pittsfield, and also establishing the first woolen mill in town.
More on O.S. Haskell at Haskell Family History.
Frank “Bud” Homstead opened Bud’s Super Market on Hunnewell Ave. in 1959. He purchased the ruins of the Lancey House in March, 1966 after the fire. He donated collection of photos available here. Also see the Bud Homstead page.
The crew at Hubbard’s Esso station (low brick building next to Sebasticook St.). From L to R: Tommy Tufts, Richard Peppard, George Hallenbeck, Buzzy Belanger, Robert N. Hubbard. Thanks to Forest Frost for identifying these folks. High resolution photo. The building was the 2005 site of the independent Pittsfield Pharmacy, which soon after closed.
George H. Hunter, who, with partner Albion P. McMaster, owned and operated a grist mill, flour house and feed store in Pittsfield in the late 1800’s and early 1900’s. See Hunter & McMaster’s Store. More on the George H. Hunter page. 1907 newspaper photo.
Niman J. Karam, (1880-1965) Merchant who built and operated the Waverly General Store in 1907 (later sold to F.C. Shirley) and in 1926 built the N. J. Karam Building on Main Street, which housed the Post Office from 1927-1966. Had a dealership and service station on Hunnewell Ave in 1926 which dealt in Dodge Bros, Nash, and Ajax cars, Graham Bros. trucks as well as gas, oil, and accessories. In 1947 Mr. Karam was awarded a gold medal from the Nash Motor Company for 25 years of service as a Nash auto dealer. At the time he lived with his wife Flora on Lancey Street. Later moved to Bangor where his son, Niman J. Karam II, today (2016) operates a men & boys clothing store on Washington St. Photo from Loder’s 1907 Souvenir of Pittsfield Maine.
Willard W. Lehr, Jr. owned the Lehr Insurance Agency on Hunnewell Ave. for many years. In the 1994 PHS booklet Milestones and Memories Lehr reminisces about Pittsfield on page 7, and about the Lancey House, where he lived as a boy when his family owned it, on page 17. His father, Willard W. Lehr, Sr., opened the Lehr Furniture store on the lower Burnham Road in 1955.
O.E. Libby. Surveyor and civil engineer. 1907 newspaper photo. O.E. Libby was a Detroit selectman 1901, 1902 and Treasurer 1904-06 and 1911.
East Somerset County Register, 1911-12 census, lists O.E. Libby as a civil engineer residing on the Lower Road (River Road) around the corner and across the brook from his brother Aaron’s home. The home was referred to as the “pink house” by locals and has since burned. He lived there with his wife Emma (Thompson).
A reference in the Pittsfield Advertiser, May 23, 1918: Civil engineer Orin E. Libby left Wednesday for the Allagash region where he will be employed during the summer surveying and charting wild lands for the state, accompanied by his brother, Aaron Libby, also of Detroit.
The Maine Register, 1906-07, lists. O.E. Libby as Detroit treasurer. Records in the family’s possession also include record books that confirm his involvement with town finances.
According to the 1900 census, Ed’s brother Charles H. also resided with them at the time.
Thanks to Brenda Seekins for most of this info.
L. L. Libby. Proprietor of Libby’s Shoe Store on the corner of Main and Park Streets. 1907 newspaper photo.
Col. Roy E. Lindquist, a 1925 MCI graduate, led the 508th Parachute Infantry Regiment (part of the 82nd Airborne) in parachuting behind enemy lines during the invasion of Normandy on D-Day, June 6, 1944. More about Lindquist in this pdf file re-creating Bangor Daily News articles from 1944 & 1945. 1944 newspaper photo.
Clyde Martin. Clyde was the son of John and Bertha Cook Martin. He grew up along with his sister, Edna, on Somerset Avenue, the white house on the south side of Somerset next to the Nazarene Church. He and his sister both attended Kents Hill as boarding students as their parents spent winters in St. Petersburg, Florida. He attended one year of college and in 1911 married Clare Barnes. She was the daughter of Emory and Mary Wright Barnes who built and lived in the big white house on Hartland Ave. between South St. and George St. Prior to WWI Clyde moved to Boston and worked as a machinist for the government arsenal. They moved back to Pittsfield in the early 1920’s to look after his aging parents and his father’s business. That is when he lived on Park St. above the furniture store. He later built a house on Central St across from what is now Hathorne Park. He moved to 38 Hartland Ave. prior to 1930 and the house on Central St. became a rental and part of his real estate business. In 1923, with her inheritance, Clare bought the cottage on Moose Pond owned by the parents of Margaret Chase Smith. Clyde purchased 4 acres adjacent to the cottage and built seven more cottages for hunting and fishing rentals. They spent their summers on the lake and winters in Pittsfield.Clyde was a selectman in Pittsfield from the mid 1920’s until 1946. During the depression as a selectman he worked with the WPA (Works Progress Administration) to find jobs for the unemployed and managed the finances for the poor house. He was a solid supporter of FDR and the New Deal which put him at odds with the Republicans in Pittsfield. He was a large man so he could not be intimidated easily.
He died in July 1952 at his house on Hartland Ave.
[Submitted by Jane Woodruff with help from Clyde’s grandson Greg Martin who also supplied the photo.]
Harris V. Mathews of Mathews Printing, located at the northeast corner of Hunnewell and Main streets in a building later occupied by the A & P. grocery store, and now the parking lot for Lehr Insurance and Skowhegan Savings Bank. In 1985 Harris was honored as Pittsfield’s first Eagle Scout.
Mathews Printing printed A.J. Loder’s 1907 Souvenir of Pittsfield. 1907 newspaper photo.
John H. Maxfield was for over 25 years the head miller at the Hunter & McMaster Grist Mill. John was the eldest son of Moses Maxfield, who moved to Pittsfield in 1863 and operated a grist mill on the same site. John began milling in the 1860’s. 1907 newspaper photo.
Albion P. McMaster. 1907 newspaper photo. Operated Hunter & McMaster Grist Mill and the Hunter & McMaster Store selling groceries, flour and seed. More on Albion P. McMaster here.
Henry Albert Morrell, 1830-1912. Operator of the kilns and brickyard where the Warsaw School now stands, and contributor to The Pittsfield Advertiser as “Juniper”.
More at the Henry Albert Morrell page. |
 Walter Morrill after his first flight in a airplane, 1933.
Walter Goodale Morrill was a Union Army officer in the American Civil War and a recipient of the U.S. military’s highest decoration, the Medal of Honor, for his actions at the Second Battle of Rappahannock Station in November 1863. See the Colonel Walter Goodale. Morrill page.
Oramel Murray. 1907 newspaper photo. Mr. Murray was first and second selectman of the town of Pittsfield in the 1890s.
Nathaniel L. Perkins. 1848-1913. Prominent merchant. For years he ran a dry goods store (“Carpets, Dry and Fancy Goods, Boots and Shoes”) on the cornet of Park and Main Streets and his advertisements were fascinating and effective. He was one of the most progressive men on the street. He was the first to build a three story brick block on Main Street and install modern hot water heating. He contributed generously of his time and money to whatever cause he felt worthy. See the Nathaniel Perkins House page.
Llewellyn Powers, (1836-1908) resident of Pittsfield and Governor or Maine, portrait painting. “Another great Pittsfield family came into the limelight in 1896 when Llewellyn Powers was nominated for Governor. He had been in the public eye for several years as an able attorney and legislator. His campaign, of course, was of great interest to all of Pittsfield and probably one of the biggest political rallies in history was held that September on the M.C.I. campus at which it is estimated 5000 persons attended to hear Thomas B. Reed, who, as Speaker of U.S. House of Representatives, was at the pinnacle of his power. Lawyer Hovey, who seemed to be a master at arranging public meetings, was chairman of the committee that planned and carried out the program of the day. Bands came from Norridgewock and Waterville to help the Pittsfield band stir the crowd with patriotic music. It was a great success and contributed much to the Republican campaign that elected a Pittsfield native Governor of Maine.”
— from Sanger Cook’s Pittsfield on the Sebasticook
A biographical article on Llewellyn Powers can be found here
Bion W. Russell. 1907 newspaper photo.
Fred R. Smith. 1907 newspaper photo. Smith was the owner and operator of the Riverside Woolen Mill circa 1907.
Dr. Ernest Stein, after whom Stein Park is named. He was also active in the R N Club. 1955 photo. Dr. Stein moved here from Stockton Springs in 1952, purchased the former S. R. Haines residence on Main Street, and has carried on an active practice.
Charles E. Vickery In 1888, Mr. Vickery was a stockholder in and treasurer of the Pittsfield Electric Light and Power Company. When the Pittsfield Trust Company was organized in 1905, he was the vice-president and a trustee. Following the fire of 1906, he improved the west side of Main Street with his brick block, dated 1908. Died circa 1938.
Olin H. Tracey. 1907 newspaper photo. Congregationalist minister, graduate of Bates College.
Melvin C. Wadsworth of Pittsfield was a member of the class of 1866 at Bowdoin College. He was mustered in as 4th Corporal of Co. B of the 16th Maine Infantry on August 14, 1862 when he was 20 years old. He, along with a number of other soldiers in the 16th Regiment, was taken prisoner of war at Gettysburg. He was promoted to 2nd Lieutenant in 1863. He was mustered out on June 5, 1864.