Ringwood: Pittsfield’s Summer Park
Pittsfield Historical Society
History of Pittsfield
Pittsfield’s Summer Park

In 1901 Capt. Parsons was doing a thriving business taking parties to popular Camp Ringwood located on the west side of the Sebasticook.
Capt. Parson and his famous steamboat “Winthrop” had been boating parties for picnics and the like to this lovely spot and in 1903 he constructed a dance pavilion at Ringwood. It was 30 ft. by 50 ft. and lighted by a 750 candlepower gasoline arc light for the pleasure of the area and profit to himself. He opened in July with afternoon and evening affairs. He made one trip to Hartland and hourly trips to Waverley (where Waverley Avenue crosses the Sebasticook). Fifty couples came in the afternoon and more than 100 couples in the evening. It was a most successful venture and provided great pleasure for young and old alike.
Top photo is from an old postcard. Click on pictures to enlarge.
Original Version: 30-Jan-2006.