This page tries to help folks who visit this website occasionally and who might wonder what has been added since their last visit. We will be recording here significant changes with the most recent changes at the top of the list.
Thank you to all who have helped add to the story of Pittsfield!
- Added Walter G. Morrill photo to his page.
- Added a photo of UU Church steeple being taken down.
- Added photos to the Water Works page.
- Added photos to the Manson Park page and Hathorn Park page.
- Added another photo of the Bijou Theater marquis.
- Added a list of synonyms at the bottom of the “Places that are no more” page for some of the often-referred-to places in Pittsfield that can have several names depending upon what era the speaker/write remembers.
- Added several more event dates for more recent times to the Dates of Note page. More entries are welcome! The most recent dates are at the bottom of the page.
- Added info and photos about Puritan Medical Products moving into Pittsfield and photos of the Pioneer Woolen Mill and demolition of the Waverly Woolen Mill on the Woolen Mills Photos page.
- Added four new photos on the Lancey House page (three about the 1965 fire, and one view from the SW corner), and fixed a broken image-enlargement link.
- Added a page for Henry Albert Morrell, brickmaker and “Juniper” of the Pittsfield Advertiser; also included him in the “People of Note” page.
- Added list of officers of the Pittsfield Advertiser and Valley Times to the Pittsfield Advertiser page.
- Added a few more photos to the Depot page.
- Did some fixing of typos and other edits in all the Pittsfield on the Sebasticook pages, some of which were generated by moving to this new website format.
Early January-2018
- Grabbed a dozens of old Pittsfield images from Keith Wells Sr.’s Facebook page. Thanks Keith! These will be gradually integrated into this website’s pages.
- Made the new WordPress version of the PHS website to be the only one visible from the URL. This was more difficult than anticipated, as it entailed a lot of research in how not to break the site by re-pointing it. However the result is that now others with an interest in Pittsfield’s history may contribute to the creation or editing of pages and general maintenance of the site.
- Added business census info for the years 1856, 1861, 1871, 1877, 1882, 1889, 1890, 1892, 1894, 1898, 1899, 1900, 1902, 1904, 1907, 1908, 1909, 1913, 1915, 1916, 1918, 1920, and 1922 by embedding available editions of the Maine Annual Registry and Legislative Manual from Google Books. These can all be accessed from the Histories and Censuses page.
- Divided up the former “Histories, Censuses, Poems, Stories, Music and Vision” page into Histories and Censuses page, a Pittsfield Vision page, and a Poems, Stories and Music page. They are all accessible under the “Documents” menu.
- Added links to past and present versions of the Town of Pittsfield website. Accessible under “Municipal” menu.
- Added a list of Pittsfield Businesses from the 1998 Town website.
22-January 2017
5-January 2017
1 January 2017
December 2016
- Began converting entire website to WordPress format to enable sharing of website maintenance with others. In the process, combined some pages, fixed spelling errors and typos. Below this date, links to specific pages may not work at some future point, since all of those pages have been moved into the new format and old ones may someday be removed.
21 June 2015
21 January 2013
- Added a photo of the recent roof work being done on the Depot page.
- Updated the Pittsfield Advertiser page with more photos and a fuller story, added the rest of the first edition from 1882, added a Library of Congress link to where archived issues are available, and moved most of the entry on the Past Businesses page to the Advertiser’s own page.
- Added large-scale photos of many of the photo pages throughout the book Pittsfield on the Sebasticook. You can now click on any of the photo pages and they will enlarge for better viewing. This had been neglected for the past six years!
- Added Cianchette Brothers Stables to the Past Businesses page.
- Added a link to an American Woolen Company 1920 booklet listing all their woolen mills in the U.S. to the Woolen Mills Photos page, the American Woolen Co. listing in the Past Businesses page. Thanks to Tom Brown for finding that link.
- On page 133 of Pittsfield on the Seabasticook, added a link to a newapaper story about the tragic 1981 fire at the Hodgkins Woolen Mill.
- Move the Google search gadget to the top of the menus, where it can be seen more readily.
5 January 2013
18 November 2012
- Added another mystery photograph to the Mysteries Page. This mystery photograph was submitted by Tom Brown.
- Added the beginnings of a page dedicated to The Pittsfield Advertiser, with links to photographed pages from the March 2, 1905 and April 1882 editions.
25 February 2010
- Added “A Brief History 1960-2000” to the Congregational Church page, plus updated their postal and email addresses.
- Added a link to their website to the Universalist Church page.
- Added photos of the Midway Drive-In Theater’s projection house to the Past Businesses Page.
8 January 2010
- Added the “Up Arrows” to the bottom of the menu and to the footer.
- Added “external website” icon [
] to all links to external websites, and explained this in “Notes”.
December 2009
- Converted entire website from frames to shtml format. This allows the actual path and file names to appear in the browser’s location gadget, plus all pages now have a footer with the copyright notice and exact file name and date of last modification. Fixed broken links, and made many small edits and corrections along the way, which of course slowed way down the work of revising the site.
- Added the Pittsfield Town Register 1904. (1.89MB pdf file) which Tom Brown found scanned on Google Books. Also extracted the Town History section from it and set that up as a stand-alone web page.
- Rearranged the menu by creating logical groupings of pages, hopefully making things easier to find. Using styles, removed the underlining from all the website’s links, making the menu easier to read. Also moved Google Search gadget to menu column so it will appear on every page.
- Added a “Streets that are no more” section to the Streets Page to explain what happened to Weeks Road, Park St., Forest St., etc.
- Divided the “Mill Pond and Sebasticook River” page into two pages.
- Re-wrote the Schools page, and increased the size of all the thumbnails from 100 px wide to 300 px wide.
- Re-wrote the Streets page, and increased the size of all the thumbnails from 100px wide to 300 px wide.
- Added tool tips to the menus on the index and chapter pages of Pittsfield on the Sebasticook, so that hovering over a chapter number gives you the chapter title and chapter pages.
- Added In-Town and Whole-Town 2009 post-E911 maps to the Maps page. Also added a 1933 USGS topo map of Pittsfield.
- Added an entry for The Pitsfield Examiner newspaper in the Past Businesses page.
- Under People, added a photo of Col. Walter Morill in his page.
- Under Parks, reorganized the index page and added a page for the Union Trotting Park.
- Under Histories, added a History of Pittsfield from the 1886 Gazetteer of the State of Maine.
- On the People of Note Page, added Willard W. Lehr.
24 November 2008
- Added the Hamilton House to the Houses Page. Thanks to Tom Brown for those photos. Also increased the size of the thumbnail images on that page.
5 April 2007
18 March 2007
12 January, 2007
10 January, 2007
8 January, 2007
- Added airmail envelope from the first airmail flight from Pittsfield, and an excellent aerial photo of the airport to the Airport Page.
- Added the aerial photo of the airport to the Water Works Page since it also showed a good view of the water treatment lagoons.
- Added two more Union Hall photos to the Municipal Building Page.
7 January, 2007
20 December, 2006
1 December, 2006
- Added a Mysteries Page to see if we can get some buildings identified and questions answered.
- Added a 1972 photo of the Pinnacle water tower and a link to the story of its demolition to the Water Works page.