Pittsfield Historical Society’s
History of Pittsfield
A. J. Loder’s 1907 booklet
“Souvenir of Pittsfield, ME”.
“Press of H. Mathews Printing Co., Pittsfield Maine
Published in the Interest of Pittsfield Maine, 1907”
The original scans of each page are available on the History of Pittsfield ORIGINAL SCANS DVD. Each page file is five to fifteen megabytes.
Table of Contents is at bottom of page.

Cover & Page 1
“History of the Town”
Also see “History of the Town” as a web page. |
Page 2 & 3
Smith Woolen Mill; Riverside Woolen Mill |
Page 4 & 5
Pittsfield National Bank, Pittsfield Coal Company |
Page 6 & 7
Hunter, McMaster & Co.; Hunter & McMaster Co. |
Page 8 & 9
Augustus Holz, US Post Office; Genevieve Gustin, MD |
Page 10 & 11
Pittsfield Electric Co., International Stock Food Co; S.P. Humphrey Painter’s Supplies |
Page 12 & 13
Tilton House, Seekins & Bridgham; W.M. Farrington, Jeweler, E.V. Weymouth Tonsorial Artist |
Page 14 & 15
Pittsfield Poultry Farm |
Page 16 & 17
E.M. Martin Pianos Organs Talking Machines; The Seekins Photography Studio; Bion W. Russell, Methodist Episcopal Church, RR Depot. |
Page 18 & 19
Dr. E.C. Bryant story; T.G. Lancey Co. |
Page 20 & 21
A.U. Peckham, rubbers; Llewellyn Parks & Samuel Haines residences |
Page 22 & 23
Charles Watts builder, Mathews Printing Co; A.U. Peckham shoes; |
Page 24 & 25
A.P. McMaster residence and Grange Hall; Melvin Taylor’s stud service |
Page 26 & 27
A.J. Loder shoes; Riverside School, Lancey St. School |
Page 28 & 29
N.J.Karam Waverley Gen’l Store; Waverly Woolen Mill |
Page 30 & 31
W.E. Spear Watchmaker & Jeweler; Dr. M.L. Damon story |
Page 32 & 33
Olin Tracey, Freewill Baptist Church, Lancey St; Otis J. Cook Pharmacist |
Page 34 & 35
Frank W. Briggs house, Main Street looking South; Dr. F.J. Taylor story |
Page 36 & 37
Libby’s Pharmacy; R.H. Berry, William McGilvery’s house |
Page 38 & 39
MCI, MCI dormitory; MCI ad |
Page 40 & 41
Edwin Albert Porter, M.D., Library; Hartland Ave. School, Amos J. Melvin, Irving Towle, R.J. Estes |
Page 42 & 43
10 Reasons why your factory, Ten Reasons why you should live; Sebasticook Power Co. |
Page 44 & 45
J.S. Haseltine; A.J. Loder Boots & Shoes, Lodor Block on Main Street |
Page 46 & 47
Somerset County Creamery; Pittsfield Drug Store |
Page 48 & 49
Post Office Interior, Pioneer Woolen Mill; A.J. Loder Rubbers |
Page 50 & 51
W.L. Pushor residence, Archie L. White signs, George P. Hooper Tailoring; St. Agnes Church, Lancey House |
Page 52 & 53
Frederick A. Taylor, Universalist Church; Northern Main Packing Co. |
Page 54 & 55
A.J. Lodor’s; Bryant & Co, O.E. Libby surveying |
Page 56 & 57
Libby’s Shoe Store; V.T. Lathbury residence, park Street |
Page 58 & 59
S.M. Raymond Real Estate (two pages) |
Page 60 & 61
Main Street business section, Kimball & Frost; Martin Farm, North Lancey Grammar, Public Library, A.H. Pushor |
Page 62 & 63
R.W. Loder, A.J. Loder; E.J. Day, O.H. Drake, H.H. Thurlough |
Page 64 & 65
H&M Flour House, T.G. Lancey residence; T.G. Lancey Co |
Page 66 & 67
D. Lewis Allen Jewelry; Jenkins Clothing Co. |
Souvenir of Pittsfield, ME: compiled by A. J. Loder, 1907.
Table of Contents
View section below as a PDF.
Page |
Subject |
66 |
Allen, D. Lewis, Jewelry, 61 Main Street |
40 |
Bagley, Enoch, residence, Railroad Street |
37 |
Berry, R. H., [chocolates] |
34 |
Briggs, Frank W., Residence, Main St |
55 |
Bryant & Company, Interior Finish Mills |
18 |
Bryant, Dr. E. C. |
18 |
Bryant, Dr. E. C., residence, Main Street |
31 |
Damon, Dr. M. L., residence, Main Street |
31 |
Damon, Dr. M. L. (dentist) |
10 |
“Dan Patch” (race horse) |
17 |
Depot (MCRR Passenger) |
5 |
Dexter, Thomas C., Manager, Pittsfield Coal Company |
4 |
Dobson, Gordon, Vice Pres., Pittsfield National Bank |
63 |
Drake, O. H., Fire Insurance, Main Street |
63 |
E. J. Day Millinery, 71 Main Street |
41 |
Estes, R. J., Tobacco, 73 Main Street |
13 |
Farrington, W. M., Jeweler, Main Street, opp. Libby’s Pharmacy |
52 |
First Universalist Church, Main Street |
32 |
Freewill Baptist Church |
25 |
“George M” (race horse, D. M. Parks owner) |
46 |
Gilman, J. Natt, Treas. And Manager, Somerset County Creamery Company |
53 |
Goldmark, Adolph |
53 |
Goldmark, R. W. |
53 |
Goldmark, Theodore F. |
40 |
Gould, J., residence, Railroad Street |
61 |
Grammar School Building, North Lancey Street |
24 |
Grange Hall, Easy Street |
9 |
Gustin, Genevieve, M. D. |
21 |
Haines, Samuel R., Residence, Main Street |
41 |
Hartland Avenue School House |
44 |
Haseltine, J. S,. Plumbing and Heating |
44 |
Haseltine, J. S. |
1 |
History of the Town |
8 |
Holz (Augustus) Bakery |
50 |
Hooper, George P., tailor |
39 |
Hull, Rev. J. J. [MCI Financial Agent] |
11 |
Humphrey, S. P., Wall Paper and Painter’s Supplies |
6 |
Hunter & McMaster Company [store] |
7 |
Hunter & McMaster Company Grist Mill |
6 |
Hunter, George H., Hunter & McMaster Company |
64 |
Hunter, McMaster & Co’s Flour House, Park Street |
10 |
International Stock Food Farm, Savage, Minnesota |
67 |
Jenkins Clothing Company |
28 |
Karam, N. J., Prop., Waverley Gen’l Store |
60 |
Kimball & Frost Groceries, Grain, and Flour |
19 |
Lancey (T. G.) Company |
65 |
Lancey (T. G.) Company Hardware |
51 |
Lancey House Before the Fire, Main Street |
27 |
Lancey Street School House |
32 |
Lancey Street, Looking North |
64 |
Lancey’s (T. G. ) Residence, Main Street |
39 |
Landman, F. U. (MCI Principal) |
57 |
Lathbury, Dr. V. T., Residence, corner Park and Hathorn Streets |
40 |
Libby, Arthur, residence, Railroad Street |
4 |
Libby, H. F., Cashier, Pittsfield National Bank |
55 |
Libby, O. E., Surveying and Civil Engineering |
36 |
Libby’s Pharmacy |
56 |
Libby’s Shoe Store, L. L. Libby, Proprietor |
26 |
Loder (A. J.) Shoes |
45 |
Loder (A. J.) Boots and Shoes, Photographs, Florist, and Picture Framing |
62 |
Loder (A. J.) Photographs, Flowers |
49 |
Loder (A. J.) [rubbers] |
45 |
Loder, A. J. |
45 |
Loder Block, Central Street |
54 |
Loder’s (A. J.) Rubber Goods |
40 |
MacFarlane, J. R., residence, Railroad Street |
60 |
Main Street, Business Section |
34 |
Main Street, Looking South |
38 |
Maine Central Institute, Main Street |
39 |
Maine Central Institute [advertisement] |
4 |
Manson, J. W., Pres., Pittsfield National Bank |
16 |
Martin, E. M., Piano and Organ Tuning |
61 |
Martin Farm, the first framed house in Pittsfield |
22 |
Mathews, Harris V. |
22 |
Mathews Printing Company |
7 |
Maxfield, John H., Hunter & McMaster Company |
37 |
McGilvery, William, Residence, Main Street |
38 |
MCI Dormitory, Bowden Street |
6 |
McMaster (A. P.) , Hunter & McMaster Company |
24 |
McMaster, A. P., Residence, Main Street |
41 |
Melvin, Amos J., Blacksmith |
17 |
Methodist Episcopal Church, Manson Street |
53 |
Moses, C. T. |
8 |
Murray, Oramel, Postmaster |
4 |
National Bank Block, Main Street |
53 |
Northern Maine Packing Company |
33 |
Otis J. Cook Company, Pharmacists |
57 |
Park Street [looking west] |
21 |
Parks, Llewellyn, Residence, Main Street |
20 |
Peckham (A. U.) [Wales Goodyear Rubbers)] |
23 |
Peckham (A. U.) Shoes |
48 |
Pioneer Woolen Mill |
9 |
Pittsfield, Birdseye View, Looking West |
5 |
Pittsfield Coal Company’s Coal Sheds |
47 |
Pittsfield Drug Store, Main Street, Interior View |
10 |
Pittsfield Electric Company’s Plant, Saw Mill Street |
15 |
Pittsfield Poultry Farm [advertisement] |
14 |
Pittsfield Poultry Farm, Laying and Breeding House |
14 |
Pittsfield Poultry Farm, Brooder House and Incubator Cellar |
61 |
Pittsfield Public Library, corner Main and Railroad Streets |
40 |
Porter, Dr. E. A., residence, 14 Railroad Street |
40 |
Porter, Edwin Albert, M. D. |
8 |
Post Office |
48 |
Post Office Interior |
43 |
Power Station, South View |
43 |
Power Sub Station, Lancey Street |
40 |
Public Library, Railroad Street |
61 |
Pushor (A. L.) Tonsorial Artist, Main Street |
50 |
Pushor, W. L., Residence, Park Street (Cashier of Pittsfield Trust Co.) |
58 |
Raymond (S. M.) Real Estate |
58 |
Raymond, S. M., Residence, West Street |
59 |
Rayond (S. M.) Real Estate and Employment Agency |
27 |
Riverside School House |
3 |
Riverside Woolen Company |
17 |
Russell, Bion W., Pastor |
51 |
Saint Agnes Catholic Church, Detroit Avenue |
43 |
Sebasticook Power Company, Power Station |
12 |
Seekins & Bridgham Millinery |
16 |
Seekins Studio |
2 |
Smith Woolen Company |
46 |
Somerset County Creamery Company, Lancey Street |
30 |
Spear, W. E., Jeweler |
35 |
Taylor, Dr. F. J., residence and office, Main Street |
35 |
Taylor, Dr. F. J. |
52 |
Taylor, Frederick A., Pastor |
25 |
Taylor, Melvin, [horse farm] |
63 |
Thurlough, H. H., Attorney, National Bank Block |
39 |
Thurston, Frank H., (MCI Assistant Principal) |
12 |
Tilton House, Park Street |
41 |
Towle, Irving, Contractor and Builder |
32 |
Tracy, Olin H., Pastor |
13 |
Union Hall, Park Street |
22 |
Watts, Charles Contractor & Builder |
29 |
Waverley, Birdseye View of |
28 |
Waverley Gen’l Store |
29 |
Waverley Woolen Mill |
13 |
Weymouth, E. V., Tonsorial Artist, Main Street |
50 |
White, Archie L., Painter, Paper Hanger, Sign Painter |
42 |
“Why you should live in the town of Pittsfield” |
42 |
“Why your factory should be in Pittsfield” |
Credits: Tom Brown for scanning the document and for creating the Table of Contents. David Patee and Barbara and Leland Inman for donating their copies of the document to the Historical Society.